Work in Progress Name - Delta Starkweather Race - Human Gender - Male Age - 33 Appearance: [img=] Height - 6'2" Weight - 160Ibs Class - Warrior Skills - Armoring, Swordsmanship and being graceful in armor. Weaponry - Two short swords, Heater shield. Other equipment - Skinning/Multi-purpose knife, Goat leather water pouch, Sack of Apples, Pouch of dried figs, Loaf of stale bread, Flint and Steel, Extinguished Torch, A set of clothes and a small black kitten that travels with him. Apparel - His chainmail armor and bronze chestplate with leather trousers below with a pouched belt. Personality - He is a simple person bit not a stupid one, he has all his wits about him and will not hesitate to show them. He generally falls in line and does what he is told but as a warrior of a mercenary clan but when he gets passionate he would break any rule and any order to fulfill his passion. He is a quiet person, usually deep in thought or fighting but he is a good listener and gives good advice. However he is a very serious person -most times- and handles things with an accurate degree of appropriacy. He never let's external forces cloud his judgment, he is solid as cliffs of stone and as unwavering as the ocean that crashes against it. He isn't quick to judge people by their problems, god knows he has a lot, instead he just doesn't ask them and hopes he won't be asked. Bio – He was brought up in Cabrook as a farm hand on his parent's enormous plot, spending his Springs planting seeds, his summers harvesting wheat, his autumns picking apples and his winters freezing by a dead fire. He had three siblings his younger brother Maximus, his older brother Leopold and his younger sister Tatiana. However one day his parents died of an illness, water lung. They drowned in there own fluid in their sleep. After that Maximus joined the army and Delta stayed to look after Tatiana who was looking after Leopold (the mentally retarded oldest child), after a few months of living off what was left to them by their parents and what little Maximus could afford to send, they were in desperate need for money, so Delta did left to make some, not by joining the army -it didn't earn enough. He became a mercenary.