W.I.P. Name: Draphus Zeller Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: [img=http://www.rinkworks.com/rinkchat/botimages/hon/male/hon_h8_hy_hy_km_kqsqkretknfp.jpg] Bio: Draphus represented Hungery, he was to be their champion in the Olympics, to bring home the fold medal and show the world his fencing skills. He was on a transit flight, missing the flight the rest of the Olympic team took because of being stopped at the gates, the x-ray picking up his fencing foil in his bag, after an hour of arguing they let him past, without his weapon of course, that was to be sent to America by mail. So up ge flew, reclined in a last minute economy sear that cost him a fortune, flicking through the movies he could watch, then the lights went out and the plane dropped like a stone. Personality:he is a fairly outgoing person when it comes to most things, just not people, one could call him an awkward guy but he prefers to say he is socially challenged. Despite his usually stern face he is actually not a pessimistic person, he is just always thinking but is still a fairly optimistic person, sometimes seen smiling to himself as if there is a joke only he knows. He has two passions in life, the thrill of fencing and Thinking way to much, both very important to him. He to most people appears to be a simple guy but ain't stupid, he has all his wits about him and will not hesitate to show them, often snapping at people who make snide or rude comments about him. He can sometimes be seen staring into space blankly, just doing nothing, it's because he has a hard time concentrating on things he doesn't find interesting, like politics, or people... Having more of a preference to mumble to himself or work on his fencing skills. Weapon: shattered piece of plane with fabric wrapped around the bottom to form an improvised hilt. Skills: Fencing, climbing trees, jumping long distances and quick reflexes.