So everyone's aware, I've gone ahead and broken the website. I'm unable to edit the first OOC post at the moment. Thus, the last few CS's I intended to add are still missing (myself, Zombiedude's, Free Faller and Nevermind (I managed to get half of Manu's CS in, somehow)). I'm really hoping this will fix itself over time. [quote=Fallenreaper]Remmy was the total opposite of Abbie, who's cautious, survivor and renown Blader rider. Just ask Aweena. ;P [/quote] I had completely forgotten about that. That was an epic fight. Good times, good times. [quote=Euclid] Welcome to Double Posters Anonymous. [/quote] Hi, my name is Aweena, and I... I'm a double-poster. [quote=Nevermind] I feel left out. I need to double post. [/quote] Apparently you can't choose the double-posting life. The double-posting life chooses you. In time, Nevermind. In time.