Sorry for being a little late. Appearance: [img][/img] Name: 'Tennessee Kid' Cooper Gender: male Age: unknown Series: Sly Cooper Series StoryMode: Enabled (Lets see how long you last not recruiting the master thief XD.) Role: Tourist Personality: Tennessee Kid has an enthusiastic and confident personality. Despite joking most of the time, he takes his family legacy very seriously, He does seem to show a more 'heroic' side when someone (usually a girl) is in trouble. Likes: Thieving (usually crooked lawmen), jokes, having a good time (things of this nature). Dislikes: People 'funnin his family name', Spiders, Getting caught. History: Tennessee Kid was one of the greatest outlaw's in the old west signifying his legacy with a bank robbery. However at one point time was changed and Tennessee was jailed. He was also tried for the bank robbery that he didn't commit thanks to him being in jail for that time.As Sly had gone back in time to free Tennessee from his cell Tennessee worked with Sly to not only stop Toothpick (who robbed the bank in the first place) but to also get his gold back and signify his place in history. Other: "wow what a terrific audience"