Name: Eriil Moonborn Gender: Male Age: 34 Race: Vekian Human(Full Lycanthrope) Appearance: [hider=][img] [/img][/hider] Gear & Possessions:(Refer to Appearance for Clothing.) [hider= Armor][img][/img][/hider] [hider= Weapons][img][/img][/hider] Skills & Abilities: Eriil, apart from being a Lycan, is a master huntsmen, tracker, and all around woodsmen. His ages of obsession with predators has made him a man built for the wild and all of it's glory. Outside of that aspect of himself though, he has trained with a shield and lance and those are his primary weapons. Personality: Eriil, after being forced under the power of the moons by the bite of a lycan, slowly grew into the man he is now, an obsessive, compulsive, predator. He seems charming enough on the rouse of most days, but beneath his human flesh lies the sleeping fur of a ravenous beast that he quite frankly adores, and it willing to let out at any time he can. He seems ill-met on most days, even with a his seemingly respectable charm, but becomes practically exuberant as any of the Full moons come close to rising. History: Eriil was once a young fisher's bow in Vekia, but his days as a normal man came to close when a Lycan passing through the area, caught unknowingly on the night of a full moon, was forced into his beast form and sent out to satisfy his hungry. The beast made it's way to several fishing homes around the area where Eriil lived and it tore through body after body before finally coming to Eriil's home by the close of the night. He slaughtered Eriil's parents and almost did so to the boy, but after getting just one bite off on his right leg, the moon fell and the beast was once more a human, the woman who had bitten Eriil now lay before him, stripped of her morality, clothing, and heart. She looked upon her carnage and the boy who lay bleeding and crying before, a mere boy of no more then ten years of age, had become a victim of her curse, and while at first she pondered curing him, she knew the curse's mark would be to much for a boy, and thus she carried him off and raised him as her own for what time she could, but even her own vision was clouded as Eriil grew into a man. He clouded her once slightly moral judgement and made her into a cold beast, like himself. They embraced the moons together and ran as Pack siblings for what time they could, until the woman met her end by another Lycan. Eriil was not as heartbroken as he should have been, rather he took in her killer for a time, before he too had to be put down, for attempting to kill Eriil. Eriil now resides in Vekia, in a temporary home, as a man of business peddling his lance arm for a few coins here and there, before venturing to larger lands during the rise of the jeweled moons to hunt and enact his plans against trading caravans and noble caravans.