Lilith's ears perked up at the Braixen's invitation. She couldn't contain her excitement as her tail began to swing behind her, lightly brushing against the Pokemon beside her. She bowed her head in gratitude and entered the threshold of the Library. There were a few Pokemon loitering about inside but the atmosphere was quiet. As her eyes wandered around her surroundings they gleamed in awe. The interior was much larger than she thought, with various rooms, or what she assumed were rooms, and sources of worldly knowledge. She had always heard about libraries but had never been in one. Everything she learned was from either personal experience or word of mouth. She had never just read about things before. Lilith sauntered over towards a section of books that seemed to contain books regarding types. There were books on Dark, Water, Fire, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Electric...the types of her siblings. Lilith gingerly freed a book about Fire Pokemon from the shelf and put it between her jaws, careful not to bite on it or mark it in any way. She set it down in front of her and flipped it open. Her favorite sister was a Flareon and she had turned to a page that contained information on a move she was familiar with. As she read further, Lilith stumbled upon a page with an image of a Flareon and for the first time in a long time she wondered how her family was doing. Did they miss her? Do they even remember her? ...Would she ever be welcomed back? Lilith shook her head, clearing the thought from her mind. She brought her paw up to her face and wiped her eyes with her wrist. Her sisters were so strong. They were skilled with their respected types. Lilith...Lilith was weak, just a little Normal type. She couldn't return home and face her family in her current state. Perhaps, the guild would be a means to be worthy of her sisters. Her chest puffed out as she took in a deep breath. She returned the book to its rightful place and was about to turn around and introduce herself when something caught her attention. It was a light beige book with the word [b]NORMAL[/b] written vertically down the binding. However, this particular book was on the third shelf, just high enough to be out of reach. Lilith stood on her hind-legs, her front paws resting against the edge of the second shelf, stretching her neck out to grab the book. She was careful not to put too much pressure that the shelf would topple back but couldn't seem to reach.