Jonathan stood, sword still a little red from deflecting the beam. He could feel the life-force of everyone around. The blood pumping through each person’s veins at different paces. One stood out among them all, someone whose heartbeat was beating as if they were resting. This made him feel uneasy as he watched everyone move into action. It was strange to him that they were actually doing so well. He tried to focus on the one who didn’t fear or get excited. This was the one who would be a problem. As if they had done this many times over. Killing and creating one undead necropolis after another. His blood bending was starting to make his inner demon surface. It reminded him of his past when he would slaughter countless people. Quickly he pushed the thoughts from his mind as he saw one of the females from his class. She was off playing with some dead… controlling them. It was strange to him that she was so good at it. He couldn’t feel any life but it was more like the lack of it. “What are you doing standing there little fool!?” A voice whispered into his ear. He moved as fast as he could looking around looking for the voices origin. In his strange episode he felt something hit him. Not once but twice, one shot in his left arm and the other in his right leg. He fell forward and snapped back into the fight. He stood quickly ignoring the pain. The time for words was gone and he focused on the life-force he sensed before. Time was running out as his senses were getting dulled. There was only one thing that could do this to him, Orichalcum. “Don’t kill them!” Another voice screamed in his mind. “Ascot.” Jonathan thought as he dodged an attack from a chainsaw? Using the momentum from dodging he spun and back fisted the man in the head. He fell limp, like a sack of potatoes. Another got in his way his sword coming down on Jonathan. He blocked with his sword in his left hand. The wound he had gotten before spewed blood from the impact. Again he had ignored the pain as he went under the man’s guard and uppercut him with his right arm. The man’s teeth clattered and some of them shattered from the punch. Again another one was down and Jonathan fell forwards onto his face. His pain becoming unbearable. If only he was paying attention before he could have severed his limbs and transformed into something else. Sadly these voices were playing with him… wait they were warning him and he failed to listen. “Such a simple man after all.” The first voice called to him. “The only reason we can chat with you is because of this death zone.” The second explained to him. “Those that control death can help you reach us boy.” The first said and then they were both silent. He could feel his sword in his hand and could tell he was about to black out. “So much for being a great teacher. I can’t even protect myself let alone them.” He thought as he forced himself up. He pulled out a knife and stabbed it into his arm deep. As he did the bullet pushed itself through his flesh and out the other side. A loud popping noise followed then a suction noise as he pulled the knife out. More of his blood streamed down his body as he pulled out some medical gel and injected it into the hole. Next was his leg, sadly someone had appeared behind him. He quickly pulled out one of his pistols and shot two shots so fast that it sounded like one. His foe was hit with two tranquilizers, both hitting his chest. “Stupid tranquilizer gun it jammed after the second shot.” He noticed as he placed the gun next to him and thrust deep into his leg. Another loud squish along with a pop as the bullet tore through tendon and muscle to escape his leg. Blood and veins escaped the exit wound. He pulled the dagger out of his leg and placed it in his scabbard. More medical Gel, sadly it took more to seal this wound. He sat for a while tinkering with his gun, fixing it after a few moments. He was going to allow the others to fight for him and he collected the bullets in a special container. It would take a long while for his magic to come back even with the healing agents in his body. Perhaps he could invent something that would help with that but couldn’t at this moment recall if there was.