[quote=Redwing] Finally its done! I'm pretty satisfied with him, but let me know if anything needs changed. [/quote] Up the age, a 20 year old half elf is a very young child. Half elves have a lifespan of 500 years, so 250 is 50 years in human years to them, 125 is 25 years. [quote=Ace of Jacks] On the topic of magic...kind of stupid questionDoes the Crimson Company have a particular view on Mages? Are they open to the practical use of magic or would it be something on the DL XD (to the head honchos that is) [/quote] Nope, they support any mages, they're open to it. Bear in mind, Crimson Company is just the name given to the group that was just formed, they take really any help they can get.