”[B]Evera,[/B]” she said simply. There was a pause and moment of silence as she hesitated. ”[B]Daughter of… Mephistopheles I guess,[/B]” she said with a sheepish shrug, shaking Asmodeus’ hand. With a sly smile, he repeated her name softly. "[B]Evera...Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.[/B]" Peering into her heart, he could tell that he made her a little uncomfortable. His smile growing wider, he decided to play with that discomfort a little. "[B]Mephistopheles...Ah, yes. I've worked with him before in the past.[/B]" he said rather cryptically. "[B]How [i]is[/i] your father these days?[/B]" he asked as an afterthought. It was then that their conversation was abruptly disturbed by the Ghost Boy, Taiyo. "[B]EEY! ATTENTION![/B]" he yelled as he summoned a bright ball of light. As if his annoying voice wasn't enough to draw their attention, he had to go and blind them all. Irritated, Asmodeus reached into his inner coat pocket and slipped his sunglasses on. The Ghost boy then reached into the bag beside him, pulling out sheets of paper. "[B]Line up by alphabetical order, please![/B]" He then began to hand schedules to everybody. Paying no mind to the alphabetical order, Asmodeus looked over the schedule he was given. Four classes in total. Three of them shared between them all, with the last class specific to each God/Deity/Demon/Et cetera. Natural Law? "[I]Completely pointless. I already know the order of things.[/I]" Physical Education? "[I]Now, that will be interesting. Poor Andrew needs to get into better shape anyways. I wonder what the female uniforms will be like...[/I]" History? "[I]Ugh, again pointless. With my age being as old as it is, I've witnessed enough of human history to know enough. Anything I don't know I could always research and learn on my own...[/I]" Looking over the schedule, he couldn't quite figure out what the last specially-tailored class would be for him. Oh, well. Folding the schedule up neatly, he slipped the paper into a pocket and peered at the Sunshine Boy through his sunglasses. Waiting for either a dismissal or further instructions. As he waited, he wondered what the other deities' special classes would be. Ah well, no point in being rude and nosy.