[b]Name:[/b] Yoshida Junko [b]Age:[/b] 10 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [hider=Apperance] [URL=http://s1228.photobucket.com/user/AleOAle/media/6b26110a394ca658ddbf84f2f158c68695b0b174_zpsae5817f3.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee458/AleOAle/6b26110a394ca658ddbf84f2f158c68695b0b174_zpsae5817f3.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Junko stands at a bite-size 3' 11". She normally wears a blue bow in her hair and is seen to run around in tiny frilly dresses that mothers usually like to stick their kids in. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Junko is a curious and eccentric little girl that isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She enjoys playing outside, playing pretend, drawing, and being read to. That being said, Junko is by no means a hard girl to deal with. Easy to shrug off, although it might leave her somewhat disappointed, Junko does what she’s told most of the time. Junko has a strange shyness around men and usually prefers to hang around other girls. Should there be no one for her to play with though, she’d allow herself some male company. One of the more outstanding rituals Junko practices is trying to learn something new every day. She tries her best to rotate between individuals weekly to avoid annoying them too much, so surprisingly she has a lot of friends. That and many find her slightly bubbly tone very irresistible. Since she is at the impressionable age of ten, Junko tends to be easily influenced by those around her. She also finds a great deal of entertaining in pretending to be others. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] [hider=Not exactly brief, b-but at least it is happy!] Junko was born two months after the first Nephalim attack to a newlywed couple. To them, she had been the first positive milestone in a long time, a shooting star in the empty sky. While the newlywed couple had been displaced by the war, her father easily found a managerial position in a major construction firm during the reconstruction of Tokyo and took the chance then to move to the capital. Her mother was by no means a housewife, but she adored her daughter too much to start working immediately. It would be another two years before Junko’s mother finally accepted a position as a part of a research team at SEED, but even then she took her daughter to work every day, leaving her in the daycare center where she could occasionally drop in to see her. It was fair to say she spent most of her life at SEED’s daycare center, digging holes with sticks hoping her mother and father might fall into one and stay just a little longer when they came for their brief visits. She never begged or cried for the attention she wanted from her parents’ though, for it seemed that she loved her parents too much to see them torn between finding time for work, each other, and her. So life moved on in the walls of SEED. As she grew older she began to dream more of the outside world, the one that she and her mother would briefly explore during her off days and in between rides to drop her off to spend time with her father at his office. She dreamed of merry-go-rounds and cotton candy, a small house with two windows and a chimney like in the books, and endless fields of golden wheat. She dropped subtle hints to her parents. The color pencil pictures of hers that they hung outside the daycare were always the same few: a family of three sitting under a tree outside their small two windowed house with smoke coming out of the chimney. There always had to be smoke coming out of the chimney, she thought, because otherwise how would they know if anyone lived there? But those signs went unnoticed, and time passed. When she entered the second grade, her mother and father finally took some time off work and took her to an amusement park. She would never forget what it was like riding on the merry-go-round for the first time. Somehow the three of them had managed to squeeze onto the small rocking horse and she squealed with delight as her mother wrapped her arms around her and her father from behind. They even had their picture taken! Even to this day, she would keep that picture with her wherever she went. [s]That day was the last day she spent with her paren-[/s] [i]Light hearted…happy thoughts…you're almost done[/i] It was on the ride home, as she pretended to sleep on her father’s lap, that she promised herself she’d live more days like these. That she’d one day ride it with her own child and husbandu as a caring and loving waifu.[/hider] [b]Abilities:[/b] Has a surprisingly mature mindset when it comes to gaging social situations and a sixth sense in detecting those with malicious intents. [hider=Powers] At the cost of flight, Junko has an extremely strong energy shield. Junko also has the ability to generate a large, three-dimensional power grid over the battlefield. Inside this power grid, she can detect all energy sources as well as their acceleration in any direction. When her MagiGear, Dwarf Star, is in Siege Sphere mode, she has the ability to almost instantly generate and then detonate highly condensed spheres of energy anywhere inside the grid. She can keep multiple spheres undetonated inside the grid but they eventually deactivate and disperse. -The more spheres of energy left undetonated inside the grid, the faster they deactivate and disperse. -She can either generate a single energy sphere every couple of seconds or a many of them for a cool down. When Dwarf Star is in Star Gate mode, she can accelerate and decelerate objects that pass through the numerous gates which Dwarf Star forms. Energy can’t pass through these gates, only objects can. The number of spheres passed through influences the speed.[/hider] [hider=Weapon] Junko’s MagiGear is the Dwarf Star which is composed of numerous curved shell-like pieces. They transform into the different modes at will. [b]Dwarf Star: Siege Sphere: [/b] In this mode, Junko plants herself into the ground and spreads the curved pieces around her to form an imperfect Dyson sphere (meaning there are cracks). It’s only from within this Dyson sphere that Junko has the ability to generate and detonate spheres. [b]Dwarf Star: Star Gate: [/b] In this mode, the curved pieces are ringed together to form seven large circles which act as acceleration/deceleration gates. She can also combine these smaller circles to form one large circle. She switches the function of the gate on will. Gates can be spaced as far apart as pleased. The only sort of defense she has in this state is her shield.[/hider]