Kuraiko had taken a detour around the now five hostile GEARs as to get a different angle on them, maybe pull some heat off of Mike when he engaged.His jumpjets carried him into the dust filled mine area just as the dust storm settled, his rifle was brought to bare as he took cover behind what he assumed was the miner's housing at one point. He flipped up his sight and scanned the group, seeking their marksman. He spotted two of the five GEARs. Though once he shot, he'd have to move, this building will be confetti in mere moments after he shoots. So he angled himself to run at an angle that would take him behind the hostiles and spread out their manpower, then let loose a salvo of rounds that sank right into the side of sadly only one GEAR. Then he took off, using a run and gun tactic to suppress the hostile GEARs. "Everyone! Shoot now! End it here!" He yelled out over comms, let's hope they heard him. Else it wouldn't be long before he would join the other two on the ground. Lifeless and condemned to the fate of a miserable death. He didn't enjoy this situation, but he needed to disperse the manpower. So yet again, he hoped and hoped that someone would shoot, anyone. He trusted them wholeheartedly, though he was still scared shitless.