[quote=SilverRain] What's the setting going to be? Can I write my posts as Dear Diary entries instead of letters? Can I keep a character for myself? [/quote] I'm going to keep the setting fairly vague in the beginning. Suffice to say that I want to explore an entire era. Everything exist anywhere inside a window of thirty to fifty years of time. The world will be a fictional one. Similar to earth but not quite. Quasi-modern as far as technology and society goes. No aliens, nor space travel. The world is at the brink of a cataclysmic event. World war, famine, the like. Everyone can have their own story. They need not necessarily link together right away. Dear diary writing is perfectly acceptable. Any sort of written document that could be recovered by historians. I'll allow you to reserve characters for yourself, but a limited number of them. I have my first post written up and ready to go. So long as those who have posted here are game, I can have an OOC and IC up and running by tomorrow.