[hider=Scorn] [center][b]Name: [/b] Scorn aka Chloe Allaire, Leader of the Reapers [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Appearance: [/b] [img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/227/9/9/metrocon_2012__relaxin___reaper_by_sparkleee_sprinkle-d5b8rnm.jpg] [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/101/8/4/female_reaper_by_sango_bluewolf-d4vt7qa.jpg] [img=http://skullappreciationsociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Pauline_Darley_Skull-make-up-1.jpg] [b]Side: [/b] Villian [b]Personality: [/b] She's a deranged psychopath that enjoys watching others suffer. She has no love for normal people, in fact she would rather watch them all suffer under her powers as well as those who stand in her way. Her main goal though as she came upon the scene was to take down HER with her bare hands and watch the life drain from her eyes. [b]Biography: [/b] Before her powers, Chloe had been a good girl, a kind person who was shy and timid around most people. No one ever bothered her or asked why she had bruises on herself since she had always been such a kind person, why would anyone harm her. No one knew her home life. She was raised by a neglectful and abusive father and mother. Her mother wasn't even her real mother, her father had had a drinking problem for most of his life and had a child with another woman who left Chloe on his doorstep. He would of gotten rid of her, if the woman he hadn't been a part of a dangerous gang and she hadn't left a letter saying if he dared got rid of the child his head would be cut off. Of course this made tension between her father and step-mother who hated Chloe, only raising her because of the fear of what would happen if they didn't. Despite that though, they beat her and treated her as if she was garbage yet it never made a dent in Chloe's kind nature. She always tried to look at the light of things. Her parents might of been drug addicted, drunks who hated her but she led a happy life, she might of not had many friends but those she did have she loved them like they were her family. It wasn't until one tragic event that pushed Chloe over the edge and ended that precious life and reborn her as a cruel and psychopathic killer. That event that would spawn her new persona, Scorn. Her father had been drunk and probably high at the same time but he forced himself upon her, which led her kind self to die, finally unable to hold back the truth, the truth that her life was a dark one, a cruel one. That the only thing that comes from being raised by two monsters, is an even greater and deadly monster. Scorn was born and she hatched a plan to get her revenge after fifteen years of neglect and abuse. She drugged her parents one night and when they awoke both were tied up in chairs facing one another, and hooked up to an impressive work of a hand made contraption that would have them kill each other. The fear that Scorn saw in their eyes made her smile and laugh. Oh how she tormented them, causing them pain and suffering like they had to her before she allowed them death. First her wicked step-mother who she had made her father slit her throat, and then through this end, allowed him to see the device work in motion as a Rube Goldberg machine made its rounds where in the end a gun would eventually kill him. When cops finally arrived on the scene, they only saw Scorn laughing hysterically and repeating the words 'I WIN!' over and over again while a house was ablaze behind her. She would plead insanity and with the evidence that it was true she was abused and her parents had a record, the courts would agree with that assumption and sent her to an asylum upstate. Here she would cause even more chaos. She became the most insane person they had there and was kept in twenty-four hour lock-down. She remained in lock-down for three years before her powers manifested at the age of eighteen. She went on a rampage, causing more death in the Asylum and mayhem. It took nearly a month before the D.U.P. finally caught her and by then the damage was done. The Asylum was burned to the ground, countless dead and millions in damages, with Scorn disappearing without a trace. For a year she was out of the spotlight, until coming back onto the scene, this time leading a group of people that went by the name of the Reapers. For a time they were on top where they set up base until SHE came and battled Scorn. What Scorn lacked in strength compared to her, Scorn made up with wits, enjoying toying with HER, like a cat sometimes does with a mouse. Despite everything Scorn did though SHE always won, with Scorn having to make a retreat into the shadows. With the news of the hero of heroes about to die, Scorn has conflicted emotions. She's thrilled on one side, now no one was in her way for her plans of destruction and chaos yet she does not want the hero of heroes to die such a death. Scorn wanted her death to be by her hands, in a battle to the deaths, an honorable death it would be for such a person to go toe to toe with Scorn. [b]Power: [/b] Shadow Manipulation [b]Power Abilities:[/b] Teleportation- Being able to use shadows as a means to go between distance though she can't go super far this way, mostly used for means of getting behind an opponent that she's facing to surprise them. Can also be used to gain access to tall building tops, a quick way to scale large structures and get around swiftly at times if there are lots of shadows around. Shadow shot- a concentrated shot of darkness that does some damage to her opponent, can be focused to do increased damage. Shadow Rocket- Shoots a ball of darkness made from shadows that are around her. Explodes on impact surrounding the person in darkness as well as doing quite a bit of damage but costs quite a bit of her energy. Shadow beast/Shadow camouflage- able to create a beast, more commonly the shape of a rather large dog, or in myth what is called a hellhound and have it appear when she uses Shadow camouflage, a form of distraction basically. While she camouflage's into the shadows the beast appears to distract her enemies as she either slips away or gets a better advantage. Shadow grenade- A densely packed ball of shadows used as a means of blinding her opponents, it doesn't do much damage but rather temporarily blinds them allowing her to strike quick and fast with another attack while they are blinded. The Queen of Shadows- This is her ultimate move. She engulfs herself in shadows her powers increasing in strength. However she only does this when truly enraged and insane. It's basically what her powers are personified. [img=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/087/c/7/nashandra_dark_souls_2_by_strangepleasures-d7c1pvk.png] [img=http://33.media.tumblr.com/bc842123e3fc4212f129037fc7ffa568/tumblr_n3gsebNvNB1s3jedlo1_r1_500.jpg] [b]Other: [/b] She has haemolacria, a rare condition where rather then crying tears, she cries blood. It was from her abusive parents that she got this. The Reaper Logo (ignore the words on either side of the logo though): [img=http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n491/Argetlam350/TheNewReapersLogo_zpsaf3a849f.png][/center] SCORN'S REACTION TO THE DEATH OF THE HERO: Scorn sat alone in her command center, a skull in one hand and staring into the sockets of where eyes would reside. The death of the hero had risen all her henchmen's spirits and she had joined in the celebration but when they left her usual twisted grin turned to a rare frown on her face. Her only friend in the world was dying, and it wasn't by her own hand. All the times they fought despite all the words exchanged, it was those moments that made her scheming all the more thrilling to her. "Oh how I thought we were always two sides of the same coin. You were the yang to my ying," Scorn said softly to the skull ",I wanted to see your own end by my hand. We were opposites but the same. I always wondered if you would ever tire of our game? How I prattled and you pouted but we were in a never ending battle of wits and bronze. Now you will die with no honor all because of that end character." With that all of a sudden she crushed the skull in her hand, turning it to dust and small pieces that fell to the ground with a clatter. She stood up and walked over to a board that was where she made her plans of destruction, with a face of disgust from mentioning The End. Oh how she loathed him for what he did to her mortal foe and friend. "We might never fight again, but despite everything we stood against, one thing I will do for you my dear friend and foe," she whispered ",I might not be able to kill you but I will make it my goal to destroy The End and show how you properly end a hero's life. Not through cowardly tactics but honorable ones." With that a single blood red tear stained Scorn's face and her signature twisted, evil grin returned to her face ",I will make his skull my new play toy. He will pay for killing you in such a cowardly way." She began laughing hysterically, the sounds of her laugh echoing off the walls around her. [/hider]