[b] [u] Grey Onyx [/u] [/b] Grey listened to the childs mad rambling, his frown deepening. It wasn't that he expected Coco to have any sort of success, just that she had the best chance. He caught a look from Leith as they spoke of demons... [b]"yes, my earlier assessment was likely incorrect. I can admit that. However, what Athalus said also makes sense, if it were just demons none of the bodies would be intact. And yes, there are smarter demons Mar, but if it that's what we were dealing with none of the corpses would be eviscerated likely. Ergo, This is Demonomancers, and possibly other mages."[/b] He said. He was much more confident in this. However, he wanted to explore the intact house, obviously it was worth investigating by sheer virtue of it being whole. However, the kid proved an obstacle. He moved to the others, first giving Coco a pat on the head. [b]"Good job, Coco."[/b] He said softly, before turning to Athalus. He spoke low, so the kid wouldn't hear. [b]"Obviously he's mad. He needs mental help, which we can't provide. or maybe he caused all this? Either way, he needs to be captured and brought back to the college for questioning..."[/b] He trailed off, as if about to explain something. [b]"I had a stupid idea. Similar to the things I've heard your half-elven friend has done... Anyway, I'm basically gonna break down the door and knock him out. Can you cover me in case of any funny business? Get him with the crossbow without killing him?"[/b] He asked. Surely, if the assassin knew just what to hit to kill someone, he'd know where not to hit...