[hider=Location]Plane: Feron-Khol[/hider] [hider=Lord] Name: Suffer, the Offender Type: Demon King Appearance: [img]http://cdn8.staztic.com/app/a/4115/4115738/devil-warrior-1-1-s-307x512.jpg[/img] It can adjust its height between five foot to almost thirty foot. No matter the size, the strength and magical abilities remain the same. It does this to be more imposing or reserved depending on the situation. During combat, it maintains a stance of eight foot tall, a height it deems comfortable and weapons are sized for. A thing to note is that its weapons never change size. Suffer speaks with a very clear flanging effect to its voice and what sounds like synonymous male and female tones. Personality and Drive: Its mentality, though malicious, is focused but obviously bitter as after being tortured for so long, not much of anything else remains. It has a very straight forward goal, for every living being to suffer as it has suffered, to feel the pain it has felt. History: Suffer knows not where it began. There is no remnants of any gender nor personality other than that of pain. The only history to be known is one of chains and torment. The streams of blood would come down its back from whips and its feet would burn and blister from the burning coals below. It took, days? eons? before the strength, through intense patience, to break free. The chain links burst as it flexed mighty muscles and coals were crushed as its heavy feet smashed in to the ground. A deep breath was taken and its eyes closed, the first feeling of freedom. Upon opening its eyes it turned around to face the oppressor, nothing was there, no rack that would have held the chains that bound its arms nor any being or machine that would operate the whips that had tore in to suffers back. It was confused at first but it quickly focused and looked to the horizon and all it could see was pillars of bone, skies that were aflame and rivers of blood that seemed to stretch for infinity. It had found its home and its new profession is vengeance. Do not mistake its anger for rage. It is a patient hunter and shrewd tactician though the goal is the same regardless... bathe existence in blood and brimstone. Armaments: It carries a whip that seems to be made of bloodied chain An summoned one handed axe that has a handle made of bone and the hilt is clearly a skull of some long dead beast. The blade on this axe glows red as metal straight from a smelter. Its personal favorite is its Long handled scythe 'Harbinger'. The staff is a dark metal that is covered with burn marks. At the top of the staff is a blackened dragon skull with its mouth wide open. there is no visible blade but upon wielding it, the dragons eyes glow a dark red and a blade made of pure hard flame erupts from the mouth. This weapon can be summoned to its hand from any distance. The armor it possesses is a solid blackened armor plate mail that has the appearance of liquid blood though it is as solid as steel. Abilities: Aside from its mighty arsenal of weaponry, it has a complete knowledge of fire magic. Any ability man has ever thought of, it can achieve. Its preferred ability is orbs of blood. These orbs hit the foe and cover them with a thick liquid that blinds and causes an intense pressure through the body. As the blood seeps in to the victims ears, all they can hear is its voice and then the victim starts to see all his/her nightmares. To anyone on the outside, only moments would pass but inside.It would seem like an eternity for the unlucky recipient as his/her will is drained through torment. Typical fire balls are used with deadly precision and if needed, a literal constant wave of fire, almost like a cone or vortex of fire that hits its foe with not only intense metal-melting fire but incredible sheer force from the speed of which the wave moves. it can technically teleport in a short distance by turning in to a flash of fire that will jump from point to point until reaching the end point. This particular ability makes it a very dangerous melee combatant. If need be, it can focus its energy and form wings made of a bloody flesh for limited flight but this is rarely used or needed. [/hider] [hider=Holding] Name: Blood Gate Type: Fortress Description: A black metal fortress built in to a massive crater upon the surface of what ever land you'd call this hell. Huge, expansive black metal gates guard a (from above) smaller city made of what seems to be odd spires made from rock and bone. Bridges made of bone cross canals flowing with blood. On the pavement of the roads is broken bodies seemingly mixed in to the ground itself. One can hear screams from time to time as one would walk over them. This above ground city is merely the tip of the... ice burg.. as the majority of this hellish city is built in to the ground. In side are caverns lined with spires filled with holes, flanked with lava falls that form pools below. Its difficult to explain such a place as the winding tunnels would come off like a maze. Deep below all these tunnels and caverns is a expansive, dark chamber that is only dimly lit by small lava falls and pools. opposite the entry to this chamber, against a far wall, is a throne built upon spires of blackened rock. The hand rests are human skulls and the back is a rounded bone that is peeked by the skull of some creature with a almost cow like face with long horns and a naturally evil expression. [/hider] [hider=Host] Name: The Eternally Tormented Size: Complicated, will be explained in the military capability section. Hierarchy and Culture: The hierarchy is according to their type. Their types are explained in the military capabilities. History: When suffer first came to be, the first order was the creation of a new order. This would be of blood and fire. It couldn't think of any creature that would lead such an order other than itself so that's what it did, made copies using its own blood and grew them in to warriors with no mind or freedom other than doing their creators bidding. Military Capabilities: There are four orders of host that exist at the present, The top and foremost are the Malevolent. Very few of these exist but are low powered doppelgangers of himself. They are have a preset stature of seven ft tall but aside from that, are identical. Each one wears a different colored cloak but other than that, the abilities and weapons are the same as their master, albeit on a far lesser (but still far beyond a typical human) scale. There are only twenty seven of these. Below that is the Wicked. [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0KzSWZc3M4c/UEyNGfWp67I/AAAAAAAAA4M/2KcjgjFqXQY/s1600/Ghost-Rider-ghost-rider-fire-skull-1600x1200.jpg[/img] These bastard warrior-elites were once mighty knights and paladins of human kind. They were captured through many means but all arrived to the same place. They are tortured, consumed and broken. Once their honor has been stripped and their beliefs are destroyed and they lose their history and name. as they submit fully to hate, Suffer drips some of its blood in to the beasts mouth, forming an unholy pact, bounding their life to his and turning them in to a plague upon what ever they set their gaze upon. Each can ride a summoned skeleton steed with a body made of blood. The Knights retain their combat prowess from their former life and wield the weapons they are best suited along with a wide variety of fire and blood magics. There are roughly one hundred of these. The lowest tier is the Vile. [img]http://api.ning.com/files/Dz3XGZp1878Voo1wfKARPkWIVYgGw5W480GZYiTvYoVKtThYpF12KWmjP-VT7HaEzFlKqu3lup*onxcuxex94v0LesGsP1Ex/evilwarrior.jpg[/img] These are blackened dead soldier like creatures whos eyes glow with fire. They utilize swords and bows and are proficient warriors. They are simple and only follow the orders of the above tiers. These are created from strong souls who are broken over time and then placed inside a vessel of burnt flesh. They are around seventeen hundred strong. The last type is the summoned and these are technically limitless but are bound by very strict laws. They are made of elements and are magically formed. Each has a technical time-limit as its inner fire slowly burns out. Elemental [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/46320-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] And at the lowest tier is the fire and blood elemental. These vary in size and shape, depending on how much energy and the preference of the one summoning them. Imp [img]http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/s_gaki_thumb.jpg[/img] The basic Imps can survive for nearly a day but are dangerous close combatants. These use long claws to slash at their prey. Vagary [img]http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn75/jeanie90/anime%20pictures/FireDemon.jpg[/img] The next level up is the Vagary. This creature only has only 2/3 the life span of the basic imp. These have the long claws but can form fire balls from their mouths. These are decent ranged combatants. Sabbath [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/244/e/7/doom_imp_by_emortal982-d6kods9.jpg[/img] The third type is a much larger creature with a very tough hide, massive strength and the ability to throw balls of fire from their hands. These can jump far and move much faster than they should. These only last around 1/3 of the basic imp. Zion [img]http://newgameszon.narod.ru/Guides/DoomResEvil/Main2/Maledict.jpg[/img] The fourth is a high powered, long clawed flying beast that breathes fire, much like a dragon would. These look like a human skeleton whose arms have been elongated and turned in to a dragons wing. The awesome powers and strength of this being has a down side though, long time to summon and very short lived. When Suffer himself is the summoner, these can last for around three hours. When Hell knights summon, these can last for maybe twenty minutes at best. There are a few of these that are not bound by a limit rule but they only exist inside Feron-Khol. War-cry: Blood lords usually taunt their opponent, Knights are soft spoken but usually use the comments "For suffers sake" or the sort. The summoned creatures all have war cries, RAWR!!! [/hider] [hider=Note] Humans can use magic, so the first two types of creature could be summoned in to human existence. These would be bound to their users will but would be far weaker and have a shorter life span than the pure one that Suffers forces can create. If possible, these would be the strongest of any blood or fire creature that can be summoned. (I still want people to be able to summon fire demons of their own design if they want!) [/hider]