Ayaka cracked a smile at Ralthavar’s explanation of relationships between skulls and mages. Taking heads was normally too gruesome for people outside of places like these but the charismatic women found joy in it…perhaps it was their expression or how some corpses would twitch like a newly decapitated chicken until their blood ran dry. The couple delved into her own powers. Ayaka believed her explanations were more than confusing and disconnected, and awaited an answer she thought would find her the most socially awkward person on Earth. However, Ralth’s witty comeback to the kinky tongue she spoke in threw a shiver or two down her spine and a surprised light in woman’s narrowed eyes. He was taunting her, throwing her normally chill persona off guard. Her heart pounded a few times against her chest’s door- oh, how she wished she could test his own techniques, right here and right now ~. Ayaka didn’t have to reply because the answer was clear in eyes, dark smile, and relaxed posture as the orc left the table. Her gaze burned into his back until he’d completely depart from the lunchroom. Ayaka stood, facing Elena with a cheery, innocent-school girl type look as if nothing occurred between herself and the orc, waving. “Nice meeting you, Elena, see you in class!” She cheered as her fox attempted to snatch a taco free from the sharklike girl. Ayaka swiftly swept up the animal in her arms before it could as much as soil Elena’s plate. ~In class Ayaka walked into the training room during a heated discussion with her animal whilst the teacher explained the situation. She had a talent for being able to listen to two things at once, although it was already obvious why the class was stationed here with a mass of dummies getting ready to be fired up. [i] Listen, animal…[/i] She placed a hand on her forehead, swiping some sweat away. She sighed- Jeez, It was hot in here and the place smelled stale. [i] Your powers aren't effective against non-living things. So sit there and act like a normal fox.[/i] Before her pet could as much as say a word, The class trio was sent off to a wave of enemies. The kitsune shot forward, squeezing a [i] woosh [/i] out of the air . She released her whip from its confinements and positioning slightly behind her at her waist. “Lend me your power.” She whispered as the whip nearly tripled in length a split second before she charged into the first line of 10 dummies. She flew past them, only just an inch from their wooden sides.. At the end of the line, her whip made contact with all of them at the chest. The attack was silent and much too swift for many eyes to follow- one would even wonder if the girl even left a mark. There was a slight delay before her enemies snapped in half. One dummy’s separated body would have small flames burning at the cut. There were a few more who came for her at her sides but she dismantled them without much trouble, although her weapon did need two tries to significantly injure one. A single dummy rushed up behind the girl. Her hearing was much too animalistic to miss the sound of the dummy. Ayaka leap, just high enough for her rugged boots to connect with her enemy’s shoulders, gaining enough height to come raining down on the dummy behind it, skillfully breaking through the neck with her foot. The dummy before that could not escape its certain doom- it was decapitated as well when her whip had coiled around the neck, pulled by the woman as she jumped from it. The girl completed her attack around the same time Ralth had, Lunch’s “incidents” still fresh in her brain. She fell in by his side as they departed the stage. She mumbled- her words were for only his ears. “Touching? Perhaps a place that would leave you as disoriented as those dummies back there.” She mentioned casually before reuniting with the rest of their class. “Mr.Fenris, may we have some feedback?” She questioned whilst standing a foot away from varren. "Maybe today's fighting will aid you against that automatic door tomorrow." She politely teased, bringing back the moment the door had tried crushing the boy.