Mikuzi Kanji [hider=Mikuzi][IMG]http://stuffpoint.com/the-anime-guys/image/455373-the-anime-guys-anime-guy-listening-to-music.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Mikuzi Kanji wasn't new to the art of ninja training but he was surprised at how nice the teachers treated their students he didn't understand why anyone would want to be a ninja, the only reason that he felt being a ninja was the right thing to do is because he feels that this is the only thing he is good at. Well the only thing he was good at that would make him some decent money. He sighed gently as he got up off his soft bed and boiled the kettle till the tea was ready then began to pour it into a cup. He then sat down at the kitchen table and began to go through his ninja textbooks writing notes. He read...[i] In order to be a successful you need to prepared. Not just mentally but also physically and equipment wise. Always try to learn as much as you can from your opponents fighting style,...[/i] he took a sip of his tea wrote some notes and placed his notebook on the page before closing the book. He then got up, grabbed his keys, coat and put on his trainers before leaving his flat to go do a bit of shopping as he needed to restock his fridge and cupboards but was also looking for the tool shop as he wanted his shurikun's and kuni's sharpened.