It was a few hours before their target was ready to set sail, and Sharee had a close eye on them the entire time. Her navigator, the big pink-scaled Argonian was on deck waiting to observe their bearing once they left. Despite his cowardly personality, Sharee found that he actually knew what he was doing when it came to his job, so they would be able to follow along their target's course exactly. Eventually their target finished its preparations and set out to sea, but for as long as it was in Mistral's harbor, Sharee kept her own ship in dock. She could not afford to let them know they were being followed, else they would just turn back around and use the Thalmor naval vessels to protect them. Instead, they would need to wait until they were out of sight, then use every ounce of speed they could squeeze out of their ship to catch up. Once the ship was near to being out of visual range, Sharee marched over to the navigator with a demanding expression. "You know where they are going?" "Oh, um, yes. I know their heading, but...we should head ten degrees north of it." He recommended with a nervous gulp. "And why might that be?" Sharee questioned accusingly. "B-because I think they are trying to throw off anyone wanting to follow. They current heading goes nowhere interesting, but...ten degrees north of it goes straight to Senchal. It...might even help us catch up quicker." He explained in his usual nervous tone. Sharee gave him a nod and a pat on the shoulder. "Good job." She commented, taking a few steps to walk past him before grabbing him by his collar and pulling him closer. "As long as you are right, that is." She threatened. "Now, go give the bearing to the helmsman." Once the navigator set out on his task, Sharee walked across the center of the deck shouting the order the crew had been waiting for. "Alright, it's time to get moving. We need to be out of this harbor five minutes ago!" Since they had been preparing all morning, it did not take long at all to set out on a heading towards Senchal. They were heading at full sail with the best speed they could get out of the current weather, but even so, it took a while to catch up to their target. However, it didn't take as long as it could have, as the navigator had been correct. Their target's path had been an indirect one. The lookout shouted out from the crow's nest as soon as she spotted their prey. "Captain, ship on the horizon, starboard side!" "There she is." Sharee said with a smirk from her place on the bow. She turned around and walked towards the stern, shouting to the crew as she walked. "It's time to earn your fortunes. Get these ballistas armed, and your bows and spells at the ready. We'll give them a barrage or two at a distance, then board on my command." She ordered. She stopped next to the helmsman and spoke to him more specifically. "See if you can line us up behind them, in the blind spot of their own ballistas."