Yvette got comfortable in her seat, sitting next to a guy who didn’t look much older or younger than herself. She was too shy to really say anything though, so she just pulled out a book and pretended to read for a few minutes. Really, her eyes were flickering around the plane ,taking in everything and thinking about her trip. She was to meet a chaperone once arriving in Europe, but for now she was on her own. She’d only ever been on a plane once before, and it was a tiny little thing that shook. This plane seemed rather stable and comfortable… safe. In comparison at least. She eased into the atmosphere once they were in the air, and actually started reading. She couldn’t find it in her to sleep though, despite the long plane ride. She was tired though, and her heavy eyelids began lifting when the plane began to run into turbulence. She gripped her seat, mentally reminding herself everything would be fine. When suddenly, people were screaming, she felt like she was going to be sick, the masks fell from above them, but she was frozen, holding onto her seat and gritting her teeth, tears stinging her eyes. A sickening metallic sound happened, and looking behind her, Yvette saw the plane had torn apart. [i]I’m going to die…[/i] she thought before everything went black.