[i][u]Luis.[/u][/i] --- This child... This child. Speaking to him, and tossing threats around? Luis stopped and gave her a vexing stare. With the lights on now, she can see him clearly. She could see the look he was giving wasn't the most pleasant look. "Child," He started off, he spat the cigarette out of his mouth, and watched as it idly landed. He lifted up a foot and crushed it under his heel. He stared her down for a moment or two. "Ask yourself a question; [i]who[/i] knows you're here...?" Luis cackled sinisterly for a moment or two. Before he raised a finger up into the air, "Let me take a guess," He started laughing some more. "[i]Nobody[/i]. You rushed here all headstrong hoping to get answers all on your own!" He put his fists high up into the air in a triumphant gesture. "And here you are, [i]all alone[/i] threatening someone you do not truly understand....." He took a few steps towards Aislin staring her down. This was all too funny. This child doesn't understand what she is dealing with, and it's oh so funny. He put up a finger and wagged it left and right, for what seemed to be minutes on end. After time passed, he reached behind himself and grabbed something that's most likely in his pants. [hider=Mad World - Crimson Rain][youtube]O3PmIqbjOEc[/youtube][/hider] "... [i]Where no one will ever find you[/i]!" What so happened to be behind Luis were two combat knives. He had both of them in his hands. He quickly lunged at her with both knives primed to swipe her throat. The plan was simple, and he's done it before. He was going to kill this child and leave her here to rot. She was foolish to come down here to begin with, and now Luis was going to punish her for it. While he did this, he had a grin on his face. The kind of grin that only maniacs have. --- [i][u]Jago Andrew Javuant[/u][/i] --- Now this is what Jago's talking about! This Freak-Girl agreed with his idea, and she didn't talk too much. That's what he calls a two for one deal! Maybe she won't be a huge lameass after all. "Good, good..." He grinned like a fool. He quickly got a good distance from Freak-Girl here, and got himself ready. Actually, if this girl didn't bumrush him, he would have gotten some stretches in beforehand, but, hey. You live a fast paced life, and you gotta go without the luxuries of taking it slow. Though, all he could do now to prepare was enjoy this Gatorade.... It wasn't like his [i]enemies[/i] were going to give him a second to prepare and shit. It took a little bit of concentration, but Jago's right hand started glowing with a dark-purple aura. He focused for a moment, as he outstretched his hand out to the side. A little sweep to the other side, and Jago had created a large, glowing, translucent shield. It was square-shaped, and dark-purple, but could be seen through. It had to be a foot or two thick. Damn some of this telekinesis crap sure was hard. Though that was the glory of practice! All he needs to do is get this Freak-Girl to beat on his shield for a little while, then it's going to be easy. Like, that's how the masters did it, right? Practice makes perfect. The boy walked up to the shield, and flicked it with his index finger. Looked solid enough to him. "Looky here, girly-girl." He said as he pointed at the shield. "This is a shield-" [i]Just in case you dumb enough not to figure that out[/i] "-What I want you to do is hit it with your weird tentacle thingies so I can test how much it can take. Sounds easy?" ... He neglected to tell her that she would bounce right off of it if she hit it just right. It might make a good laugh. Though, if she gets pissed off, he can tell her that it was an [i]accident[/i], or he [i]forgot[/i], and keep this ball rolling. If she was that big of a tool, that is. Jago started downing the Gatorade, he needed a little extra hydration to keep these shields going. However, his eyes were on Codi's tentacle thingys. Like what are they? Jago was a little too early to watch that target dummy massacre, but he was wondering if it could break his shields... Nah, he doubted that. They were just puny toothpicks! His shields took a haymaker from a brick and kept going. ... But he'll see in a moment. "Give it all you got." Jago said, testing her limits. He was relatively prepared to stop an attack. --- [u][i]Adam Leo Blackmore.[/i][/u] --- "... You sure you didn't see where she went?" Adam asked a nurse. She nodded her head. "Very well, carry on." Adam put his hands behind his back and waited for the nurse to leave before he let out a sigh. Ms. Rose had apparently left the hospital in a hurry, without telling anyone where she was going, not even a hint. Maybe she had ran off back to the dorms? Adam had hoped so. He was hoping she wasn't going to do anything impulsive. Because that whole incident was rather traumatic, and she was young.... A dangerous combination in his eyes. For now, he was going to give her the benefit of the doubt and keep looking for her. Mr. Blackmore began moving. He headed towards the waiting room and gave it one good hard look - Hoping that Ms. Rose would be somewhere... He didn't see a trace of her. He let out a sigh, but he managed to catch Atticus in his field of vision. It was hard not to catch him, given that he was a giant fish wearing a wetsuit. "Hello there." Adam sat down next to Atticus. Reaching around the immediate environment for a magazine or something. "I am [i]Adam Blackmore[/i], I believe you're... Atticus Fowler, yes?"