Name: Akiyama Yuki Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: [url=]"...?"[/url] Personality: Yuki's personality is difficult to describe. This is mostly owing to a lack of any show of emotion. Yuki never shows surprise, happiness, sadness... she almost always boasts an entirely neutral expression. She's very difficult to figure out because of this. She rarely speaks, and when she does it's in a quiet, neutral tone and almost always only when directly addressed or out of necessity. Indeed, she's a perplexing figure. It can be assumed that she enjoys reading, as when she is not silently staring at someone she can be found reading nearly anything she can consume, from manga to novels. She follows orders exactly and literally, and never protests any order she received. Brief Backstory: Who knows the truth behind the mystery of Akiyama Yuki? She is a young girl who is not counted among the magitech girl candidates, and yet the higher-ups of SEED insist upon her presence in SEED headquarters. She vanishes for extended periods of time, only to appear abruptly without any word of where she disappeared to. Rumors circulate around the unusual girl, and no-one aside from Sumiko herself and the higher-ranking members of SEED seem to know what Yuki's purpose is and why she is present. It has been rumored she occasionally is spotted in the medical ward, though no injuries are found on her body, but beyond this few know why Akiyama Yuki is present. Abilities: Reading skills. Any other abilities are strictly known only by higher-ups in SEED. Occupation: ???