[b]~The Doctor and the Nurse~[/b] Another unpleasant night passed by with a never-ending conglomerate of bills and random unpaid loans taking over the supposed aristocratic doctor instead of having his traditional readings of carefully picked novels regarding general scientific research or police intrigues. The pharmacy doctor Heinrich Stiglitz had put up as a cover up for any unorthodox things he was executing down at "The Basement". It wasn't like anyone could hear the screams of the nearly dead specimens he was performing autopsies jobs on for various governmental agencies. Autopsies? More like euthanasia accompanied by dubious methods of dismembering a living being which usually appeared more human than it should have according to the later reports made to sugar coat what was really going on to the more sensitive bureaucrats handling all this bullshit. But still, there needed to be a reason for such high accumulations of various medicine coming in from delivery trucks every three days or so, a pharmacy did great. The business itself wasn't the bad part, but rather any form of payment the good doctor was left to handle by himself, notably renovation fees, were gabbing his balls pretty tightly. Early in the morning he was awoken, face on his paper infested dining table, by the neighboring rooster in the hen cage owned by a couple next door. It would never shut up for one morning, always waking Heinrich when he was actually enjoying his sleep. The blond man woke up, turned on the archaic coffee machine he had a few meters away from the dining table, and made a quick visit to his lab as the machine ran. Upon checking various computers set in the clean, white space filled with sterilized equipment, he noticed one of his scanners had picked up not one, nor two, but three noticeable readings. What was this scanner? The machine he was thoroughly tinkering with after seeing the information it was transmitting was what a common man would call "A Magic Radar". It used methods similar to Heinrich's electric spell to detect parallel sources of power, which was proven to work with tests conducted with his nurse. Speaking of the nurse, Elenor Stiglitz was already outside, even before the sun rose up, raking the many colored leafs from the damp grass of the front lawn. Her movements were perfect and wouldn't falter an instant even if strong wind currents hit her. She would only stop her activity as she noticed her "father" stepping out of the house with a rather anxious look on his face. He had dressed in a black trench coat and for once combed his hair in a presentable way. After all, if he was going to go incognito for a little scavenging, he may as well avoid giving off this eccentric look for the time being. His pants were of matching black and his shoes were cheap knock offs of the higher class types businessmen would wear at their work times. Elenor on the other hand was dressed like the average woman in the country, a red checked shirt with blue jeans and cowboy boots. Her hair was loose and slightly messy due to the wind, but nonetheless her perfected skin and eyes made her appear unnaturally pretty despite that factor. "[b][i]Doctor Heinrich, what is the matter? Is the coffee machine malfunctioning once more?[/b][/i]" She asked with a delicate yet very monotone voice while keeping a cold stare at her creator. She always had that look which often scared off many customers while others usually tried to get her on a date while completely ignoring the complete lack of personality in that thing. "[b]Nein, that piece of scrap metal finally worked. Or at least picked up nearby signatures. Three to be exact occurred in near simultaneous instances. There's a powerful signature near that old, crappy warehouse while there's a couple scattered in select houses. You're going to the warehouse, you know the rest.[/b]" The doctor seemed a bit agitated, or maybe was he excited about this. This radar he had created was indeed the fruit of his hard work regarding his complex studies on spells, basing most of it off his electrical properties. He felt proud that it worked, for once, but would have liked it if he could make it more compact. There would be easy ways to go about this, but he wasn't too motivated to move up to innovation before realizing the effectiveness of his machine. He marched off with his mind drowning in daydreaming sessions. The plan was to have Heinrich to visit one of the weaker readings while Elenor's brute force and abilities could handle stronger readings or escape relatively easily if need be. Heinrich had stopped at a nearby house, a large one at that, which actually reminded him of his life back at Argentina, when he was still united with his family. Wasting no time, he stepped up to the entrance of the house, lifting his fist up to knock on the large door right before him. But as he commenced the motion, another man bolted out with a frightened expression on his face. He didn't look too young and his condition surprised the scientist. That old man looked like he had just taken a beating and was evidently terrified of something. That was a good sign, at least for Stiglitz it was, as the elder man left with only giving Heinrich a stare, walking out in a fast pace as if he escaped a haunted house. Anyway, the door was wide open and Heinrich simply let himself in at that point. "[b]Hello? Mister Blackwood? It's your local pharmacist, Doctor Heinrich Stiglitz, and I'm here to inform you of changes in our protocols as we are obliged to do with everyone of our customers. Due to the urgency of this case, we prefer to address this directly in person.[/b]" Of course, Stiglitz had looked up who lived in the residence he was bound to stumble upon to find the source of power that manifested itself recently. The house indeed belonged to Blackwood, but the medicine was for his now retired maid, thus validating his visit, in a way. He remained stiff at the entrance, just barely inside. His right hand was holding the typical doctor case while his left one hid itself behind the man's back. He was either expecting a warm welcome or some generic rich asshole, but either way Heinrich was going to get what he wanted, and that did not include any form of killing. After all, dead supernatural creatures were abundant with his current position. Elenor had purposely hooded herself with a white hood so she could hide her easily recognizable face and stare while keeping mot of her generic clothes concealed as well. She was fast when it came to moving unnoticed as she simply parkoured through house roofs until she reached the area surrounding that warehouse she was asked to investigate. Standing on a nearby building, she could notice another individual nearby who appeared to have an interest in the area too, or more precisely whatever was inside the warehouse. The nurse didn't take too long to figure out that whatever interested everyone was inside the warehouse. Charging strength in her legs and accumulating magical power, she launched herself as an arrow would to the roof of the warehouse, hopefully she'd do this unnoticed as she minimized the sound hazards. Walking up to a glass pyramid at the center of the warehouse, she could see through it and thus have a good position to see what was going on. Now, she waited for the right time to execute what she had to do without being too hasty. She also had to figure out what they were doing here to start with.