[quote=MelonHead] We'll see eh. *Evil laugh*Was anyone in particular interested in fighting The Weeper? I'll fight anyone between T2-3 with 4 being my maximum if there's no one else to fight. [/quote] I can come out with my alien guy who's going to be in that range. Maybe tomorrow when I get off work I can work on him if nobody else sets up a fight with him first. [quote=Lalliman] We gotta be careful not to let Arthur touch us. [/quote] Evvie: "Everyone, charge!!!" *leaps onto Arthur while letting out a battle cry. [quote=Lalliman] Lol, Ug Nug is a little out of place among our higher tiered characters. Though if he can somehow manage to whack Evvie on the head when she's distracted and steal her ring he can become the infamous floating caveman. [/quote] If he can do that then more power to him (literally). It would be funny to see them have to engage in a battle of wits. I can't believe I'm saying this but she'd outsmart him. If he's out of place for higher tiers, I'm making a few lower tiers such as my alien I mentioned. Maybe the other lower tier could end up a good match for him. [quote=Schradinger] That's not a phrasing unique to jokes. "That guy's sister died the other day." "How unfortunate." "How unfortunate would it be if the moon fell out of orbit and crashed into the earth?" "Very unfortunate.""How unfortunate that he wasn't able to pull out of the dive in time and crashed the plane."As you can see, that phrase alone doesn't really mean anything beyond the fact that something was unfortunate. [/quote] You've drawn the joke out too long. How unfortunate.