[quote=metagros] "ok first of we are a race of predators who live in subzero environments. our blood boils and evaporates at room temperature, so this suit is a necessity. secondly no you cant have one. thees suits are worth more then our lives, as they allow us to live any where away from minimus, our home. and lastly why would i have keys? who still uses keys? and why would a giant suit designed to protect some one from the environments have pockets?" [/quote] "You'll be surprised, people will strip them of their things, put them in a cell, and there like [I] what is this, why can't I hack out of it >:([/I], you know? And if you don't then how do you carry small objects and such with you? Do people on minimus have social security numbers?" He once again asked trying to leak info out of him.