DA:O definitely had the better lore, and had a more 'epic' feel to the story, while DA2 felt a bit more sandboxed. Despite that, DA2's game mechanics were much improved, and I loved Hawke (Male SarcastiHawke all the way!) and enjoyed all of the companions. While I preferred Anders in DA:A, he is a perfect blend of Justice (who was always a downer) and himself, so he made a lot of sense in DA2. Also, yeah, I'm quite certain everyone loves Gideon Emery's voice as Fenris. His voice as Balthier in FFXII was the only thing that got me through that game. I am so stoked for Dragon Age Inquisition. I'm lining up my sick days from work for that game, haha. I already see myself rocking a party of Dorian, Sera, and Varric. Sarcastic and witty characters ftw!