[youtube]6oJEicmI_Fs[/youtube] Ranma hefted a sigh of relief as the dragon's breath was dissipated by her acquaintances/allies and their various rather amazing abilities. Now then, time to see what she could contribute in this fight. Strange agent messing around with her ki pathways that made it impossible to repair damage at the moment as well as caused emotional turbulence trending towards dark emotions were clinically categorized and immediately found a counter to. Charging herself full of depression energy by using the dark thoughts to her own advantage, the redhead was soon clad in a wild bonfire of sickly green ki that highlighted her now blank and forlorn face which had lost its shine for the moment. As the others engaged the now resuscitated dragon with fervor and fire, the Shagaru Magara was now viciously defending and retaliating against the much smaller figures ganging up on it. The red and blue Servants would find themselves scoring direct hits that bit deeply into dragon, though a combination of almost supernatural reaction and scales harder than the majority of metals diminished the power a bit. Nevertheless, the dragon was now bleeding once more, dark blood and black smoke emanating from its wounds. Then a burst of dark miasma flowed out in an explosive ripple that gouged the surrounding landscape as revenge for the blows suffered. The Eidolon summoned against the beast was deemed a suitable opponent, seeing as it was big and clad in an element it rather hated unlike the much smaller beings that refused to stay in one place. The halberd met clawed wings, digging into the pseudo-arm as sparks flew and an aura of superheated plasma combated its shroud of darkness, the energies striving against each other even as their owners engaged in a titanic clash. Unfortunately for the summon, the dragon was a bit cheap and sucker punched the thing with its other arm in the place where a normal organism's gut would be since it was losing the battle due to fire being liberally used. While this was happening, an armored man and a berserk flaming grappler plunged their respective weapons into the hide of the dragon, both luckily biting into the silvery scars that were still soft even from the regeneration, the lance and dagger sliding in deeper than it should have. No demon was summoned though, since the dragon had no iota of magical power to act as the summoning agent for the creature, as its attacks and abilities all came from its unique biochemistry. It then spun around in a crazed circle while roaring its hate to repulse the two with sheer momentum given how close they were. It was lucky for the close combatants that they were flung away given at that moment a heart shaped beam of energy and super heavy ball of depression powered green ki slammed into the thing at the same time, slamming it with sheer blunt force trauma powered through some of the strangest sources of power available. Ranma smirked from her place as she successfully launched the original version of the ki attack, her arms cupped from the technique. And then Felt's vial of miasma smashed into the golden hide and seeped in through the open wounds while it was dazed. When it came to, its eyes refocused and turned into a strange violet hue as it burned with something that was higher than hatred towards the amassed attackers, growling as it dripped ichor freely from their attacks.. Its horns sprung out and were now sparking with crackling purple energies while every rapid breath was now spitting out sparks and clouds of dark vapor. Its golden scales shined with luminescence as though the it became a second sun even as it flung itself up into the air and spiraled high before screaming back down like a vengeful meteor, a liberal wave of power cocooning its body as biological agents and streams of blood flowed out of its injured body in a trail of self-destructive power, aiming to wash away everything with pure brute force in an all or nothing attack.