Timothy carefully made his way through the doorway, but in spite of that, bumped the frame with his sides a couple times in the process, leaving fresh grooves in it. "S-sorry..." he muttered to Willow. He took a look around and gazed at the rows of leather spines peaking out of shelves all around the room. There weren't very many pokemon in the library, and the ones he saw were much smaller than he was, but then, there were other rooms, with doorways he dared not squeeze through. He heard a grunt and turned around so his good eye could see where the sound came from. The Eevee that had spooked him earlier was trying to reach a book on the shelf. "I guess libraries like these weren't built with, you and I in mind..." he said shyly to the Eevee, walking up to her left side. "If I had arms, I'd be, able to get it for you, buuuut... I don't, yet, I guess." He began sliding his right forefoot in circles on the floor, making a louder swish than he realized. "Can't wait to evolve. I reeeeeeeally don't like being weak. And I'd love to be able to stand, on two legs. I can, you know, barely stand on three for, very long. I'm sure you're much the same way. Once you, evolve, you'll be bigger... and stronger too, I guess... You could, maybe, reach those higher shelves."