Alicen froze, her whole body shutting down as his words sent her reeling backwards. She began shaking lightly and she clenched her fists to her side. Someone had said those exact same words to her when she was younger except "Ranger" had been changed to "freak" and there was a lot of punches and kicks involved. Then she was locked into a tiny shed until her father had found her. Her eyes filled with tears and she sharply turned away, continuing down the road without saying another word. They reached the Inn in silence and Alicen walked inside. It as nosy and the smoke from the fire almost made her eyes water. The room went quiet as everyone watched the as the Ranger approached the bartender/owner. "I need a room for the night." She said. The man paused in his whipping down a mug and stared at her. People didn't like nor trusted Rangers most of the time even though they worked for the king. "What for?" He asked in a gruff voice. "Official business for the king." was the answer she gave. "And what about him?" He asked as he jerked his head at the male beside her. She didn't even glance over. "He's the business." The man only nodded and told her the price. She was just reaching for her pouch when a drunk man stumbled over. "Hey pretty girl." He slurred as he grabbed her arm and pulled her close. "Why pay for a room when you can come to mine." He leered as his hand began to grope her chest area. Alicen gasped in shock before her reflexes took over. She slammed the heel of her boot onto the arch of his foot and as he bent down to grasp at the injury she slammed her elbow into his nose, hearing a crunch. The man howled and stumbled back as blood began running down his face. Alicen turned and began counting out coins, hoping the demon beside her didn't notice how baldly her hand was shaking. She paid for the room and lead her companion up to the room, locking the door once they were inside. She turned away and began to fumble with the clasp on her cloak, fingers still trembling and making the task harder. She finally got it off and hung it over the bed post, her white wings rustling as they wrapped around her protectively. She shivered slightly before she forced the feelings of fear, panic and disgust back and pulled her calm facade back on. She began unpacking her bedroll, not wanting to touch that flea infested bed with a ten-foot poll.