[hider=Cheshire] Name: Celeste Adaran Age: 24 Gender: Female Codename: Cheshire Power: Similar to an electric eel she can produce electricity from any part of her body. She can go from stun to kill at any time she wishes. Any electricity she produces has to be discharged through one way or another. She can in fact build up a charge to produce a bit of range from the attack, but she can never hit anything further than two yards away and has little to no control over where the electricity goes as soon as it leaves her body. Holding a charge for longer than two minutes begins to cause her body physical pain as it isn’t capable of holding a charge for a long time. Her longest time holding a charge through the pain before being forced to discharge has been three minutes after the pain starts. At that point it becomes so unbearable she loses consciousness. Outside of the charge time limit, she is immune to all other sources of electricity as they simply help her charge her batteries so to speak. Her power does have the same weaknesses as electricity, being that strong insulators like rubber can block the flow and it tends to seek the most direct path to the ground. The human body is in fact naturally resistant to electricity, although it naturally has its limits. In order for Celeste to land a killing blow, she needs to be able to maintain contact with the electricity for at least six seconds, and that's if she has managed to get the current to go to the heart or brain. If she's managed to only get an arm or leg hit, the electricity is far more likely to stun or severely injure than kill as the electricity will head straight for the ground in the most direct route possible. She also has the ability to sense sources of electricity such as brain activity, electric wiring, and lighting storms. The way she senses the electricity is something similar to tremor-sense, she can feel its movement. The range varies from 30-60 feet based on how long she has held a charge and how much she has built up, however her ability to sense electricity stops when the pain starts until she discharges and then it resets to the minimum distance. She can tell how far the source is and where it is as well as if it’s moving. Appearance: Celeste is short at 5’ flat. She has a wiry body from regular exercise. Her eyes are a light violet color. Her skin is quite tanned, but her freckles are still visible up close. Her brunette hair is long and curly, but is almost always tied up in a bun or a ponytail. Her bangs nearly reach her eye brows. Her right cheek is scarred from a knife that had been thrown at her in an operation. That scar is a good two and a half inches long. She doesn’t use make up, as she sees it as a waste of time and resources. However, her teeth are a pearly white as she takes care of them like crazy. She almost always wears jeans whenever she can get away with it, and a sweatshirt the color never really matters to her. The Quartz hardly changed her appearance, but you can see a blue aura around her in the dark when she’s charging up her electricity. Personality: Happy. That’s right Happy. With a capital “H”. She constantly has a smile on her face. She sounds naturally happy. She acts naturally happy. You ask her why, and she’ll simply smile wider. No matter what she does, she’s happy. She would be pleasant to be around if it weren’t for the fact that sometimes that smile is just creepy. She’s also Nice. Nice to the point where you’d think she’s after something, but in reality she doesn’t care. She’s always up to do something, anything, so long as it doesn’t get her killed for no good reason. No one could ask for a better follower or teammate than Celeste. Ask her to do something and she’ll more than likely get it done and done right. The young woman has no sense of humor though and will take everything literally and seriously. Fortunately, she’s too nice to get upset if it’s a mean statement. She never gets bored as she is always doing something, even if it’s watching something or thinking. Nothing is beneath her and she has no problems getting her hands dirty. She is a bit of a neat freak, but this only occurs in places that she feels is a home. She’s quite a masochist as well, and wishes desperately to be able to maintain consciousness through the electric build up. Strengths and Weaknesses: Torture never works on the girl because her constant mental state makes it impossible to get her to crack. Anyone spending any amount of time with the girl will get put off by her, making any long term conversation almost a no-go for anyone not from Obsidian and even some of them. History: Her birth father was a leading psychologist of the world. His specialty: mental manipulation. When her mother died in a terrorist bombing when Celeste was 9, Celeste and her father broke down into a severe depression. Father couldn’t get over his loss, but he did everything he could to brain-wash Celeste into happiness. He wanted nothing more than for his daughter to be happy for every single day of her life. The brain-washing was extraordinarily effective. From 10 years of age onwards, Celeste spent her life in a blissful joy. Even when father died of a heart attack at age 17 she was unfazed. She had no want for anything. She spent her time doing various things to improve herself like learning some martial arts, throwing daggers, visiting the gym, reading lots of non-fiction books, and studying whatever she could find on the internet. A year later she was discovered by Obsidian and shortly after she was brought into the program, which she gladly accepted as she had nothing to lose. When they determined she had a high aptitude for the work they were going to put her through she was quickly put through the process. Other: Her favorite weapons are weighted needles with hundreds of feet of metal wire attached, which often make for a nasty little surprise when she sends a lethal dose of electricity down the wire. [/hider]