Alrighto. Will TRY and review new CSes. Doing this on the sly so may take longer than usual. And thank you, Wyvern, for your opinions on them. By the way @BKBurke, ordinary gnolls are sadistic, insane beings that randomly loot, rape and kill and are teetering on the border of pure beast if not for their makeshift tribal structure. Civlized gnolls like [s]Ringo[/s] Jel have been specially tamed and brought up within civil lands. Rare is the gnoll that can write down their mother tongue, let alone take orders from a different race. So, what I'm trying to say here is that Arkuwhatchamacallit (I'll just call him Ark for now) wouldn't have been able to actually gain an audience with the mayor before being assaulted by at least twenty armed town guards and Red Locks. The pack mentality is okay, but he would have at least slight trouble trying not to maniacally drool in public, if he hasn't received any civilized education. "A gnoll is a nocturnal carnivore, preferring intelligent creatures for food because they scream more." - P.S ily Wyvern. :D I have a dedicated fanbase. :P WYVERN IS NOW A CO-GM if he wants to. I'm going to need all the help I can get. Also, you can take over the Remmy scene if you want to, because. LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR! LONG LIVE NISCENI! *crazed screaming of almost 50,000 politically brainwashed peasants*