These were the rules for counterspelling a spell: One needed Law, plus the School one was countering. Ascot, due to his, had both, and with Law + Energy, he cancelled out the red lightning blasting down towards them, causing the bolts to vanish before they reached any of the MPC members. At the same time, he was multi-tasking, 'bending' the earth to block a claw-thrust, using his natural agility to evade a chainsword, and generally trying to keep himself from being surrounded. The other MPC Magi from the vanguard were helping him, throwing Instant Seeds at the enemy, tripping them with telekenisis, and generally making themselves a nusiance to said enemies. It was clear that, though talented, the five MPC vanguard members were more 'Pacifist' than 'Technical'. Then, suddenly, Ascot heard the heartrending screech. With a gesture, he teleported Alexandra out of the Zombie's clutches and to beside him, before creating a dome of matter that would protect the two from the terrorists. Using his own Life Magic, he searched for the remaining pulse of life (small-l) inside the bleeding girl and infused his energies to reinforce it, healing the wounds in the neck and torso - the girl was almost dead, but was quickly healing thanks to magic. In moments, she was safe, but unconcious. Then, while still inside the dome of earth, ice, and hardened air, the boy decided to reveal that he was more powerful than expected, calling forth strength from his former, hidden, life. Reaching into the flow of tainted Mana below, the boy, using a mastery of Law that was rare... ...Suppressed the Shadowland temporarily. This sapped the strength of the zombies, who were weak anyway, and allowed the MPC vanguard members, as well as the still distraught Myriad and Nao, to wipe them out and take the fight to the terrorists, who also seemed to be weakened by the suppression of the Shadowland. Their leader, the one who had shot the Orichalcum shots, spoke: "I knew threatening those whom you love will cause you to reveal yourself. And you foolishly love too many people. I proclaim victory this day, even though none of you have been beaten." And with that, he threw down a smoke grenade, one filled with Orichalcum Chaff that was dangerous and toxic to everyone, even Nonpracticing Magi, and, once said smoke grenade was gone, vanished. Ascot was panting. "He won. I revealed my power to soon; made myself a target." Then he parted the dome of matter to reveal the sleeping, but alive and healed Alexandria. "But, it was all worth it, in the end."