Rookie Deputy Dylan Rhodes, proud successor of a long line of Arcanine, dashed towards the treehouse. He had been sent on an assignment... no, a [i]mission[/i], to deliver important information to this new adventurer's guild that had cropped up. He was to tell one of the intrepid adventurers that one of their loved ones, a Charmeleon, had been spotted somewhere near one of the mystery dungeons to the north. Romance, drama, adventure, this was what he lived for! He would make the Police force proud today! --- Tina looked around the room excitedly, the guild had suddenly started filling with all sorts people. Her excitement had almost reached its peak, she almost missed Russet's response. She opened her mouth to reply- The door to the library burst open, revealing a Growlithe bearing the tell-tale symbol of a police Deputy. Before anyone could react, the deputy spoke up. "I come bearing news from the sergeant! It is addressed to a certain Miss Tina, regarding a possible sighting of a missing Pokemon." A second passed before Tina reacted to those words. Her eyes became even larger and seemed to shine with an unearthly light. It was him, they'd found Zayn! She immediately scrambled towards the door, stopping in front of the deputy to ask one question: "Where is he?!" "Miss, if you'd please follow me to the police station we can discuss this there," the Growlithe replied and started walking down the stairs of the library/guild. Tina started following, but turned around and quickly addressed the guild.. "Willow, Russet, I have to leave but I'll be back soon! Don't worry about me!" With that, she shut the door with her ribbons and followed the deputy down the steps. [i]"Please watch your steps, you're going-"[/i] [b][i]"Uuaaaaagh!"[/i][/b] [i]"Oh! Miss, are you alright? Are you injured?!"[/i] [i]"I'm fiiiine!"[/i] --- Russet blinked in confusement. What had just happened? One second he was having a nice conversation and the next Tina had dashed out of the guild behind one of the Sergeant's deputies. The Growlithe had said something about a missing Pokemon? He shrugged and looked around the guild. Seemed like most of the guild had found someone to talk to, while Willow handled the new arrivals and whatever introductions were necessary. He figured that while he was here he should get acquainted to his new home, however temporary it might be. The library certainly seemed bigger on the inside than on the outside, with small rooms leading off to the sides. Must be where the additional stock is kept. The seemingly endless rows of books were formidable, Russet had only seen bigger on one of his trips to the large cities further inland... A dull [i]thud[/i] caught his attention as he wandered the library. Curious, he followed the source of the noise only to find two of the newest arrivals, an Eevee and a Rhyhorn, staring longingly at a book on the third shelf, something that was well out of their reach. Figuring that they could use some help, he made his way to the duo. "Well how do you two do? Need any help with..." He shot a glance to the third shelf. Seemed that this entire section was dedicated to the different Types of Pokemon. It was a subject he had never understood too well, but was assured that it had much research put into it. "...With that?"