[center][b]Samuel Drake - Squad 17[/b][/center] The boy...Joseph, saved Samuel once again from having to respond to the girl with the boundless enthusiasm, and he breathed an inner sigh of relief. Watching as his squadmates so easily selected their horses, Samuel slowly made his way through the stables. Truth be told, he had no preferred mount, if he had his choice he would prefer to stay away from the horses entirely. Examining the beasts with wary eyes, Samuel finally settled on a sleek black horse with a diamond-shaped tuft of white hair above it's snout. Approaching the horse, he checked the equipment in the pouches that it carried, satisfied that everything seemed to be in the proper place. After strapping the rest of his gear to the horse, Samuel reluctantly mounted the creature, and made his way out of the stables. Catching up with his squadmates, Samuel arrived in time to hear Terry's suggestion. Pulling out the map, he studied it carefully, all the while doing his best to remain stable on the horse. Putting the map away, Samuel said nothing. Terry's plan seemed like a good one, and unless he felt like they were putting themselves at risk, Samuel felt no need to add anything, or suggest any changes. Riding along in silence, he hoped that he didn't look as awkward on the horse as he felt...