The resident really didn't get it, did he? "No, I'm sure as hell [i]not[/i] threatening you. I'm trying to save your damn life!" Gabriel's professional attitude was disposed of fairly quickly. Messing around with Jack Cassidy - or [i]any[/i] member of the Cassidy family for that matter - was not only bad business, but bad for health as well. Without knowing it, he'd raised his voice, and he could hear Hannah stirring from her bed, the sound of shifting sheets a clear warning that she was gaining awareness of the confrontation. And as much as the surgeon disliked his subordinate mouthing off to him, he didn't want more death than there had to be. "Corridor. Now." The two words were expelled sharply as he pushed at the ward's door, stepping outside to where they could speak in a more conducive environment, away from Hannah's unconsciously prying ears. Obviously this guy hadn't been in New York long, because everyone in this hospital knew about the suicides. Maybe not the complete truth behind the suicides, but they knew nonetheless. And now, Gabe was about to break his oath of secrecy for a guy whom he hadn't even known for a day. He didn't know precisely [i]what[/i] he thought he owed his junior, but from the way the man had effortlessly stepped in to buy his coffee, there was a pure soul behind that stubborn, willful exterior. Gabe's own soul had long been choked with guilt. "We had a lot of talented surgeons here once..." Gabe started, shifting to glance furtively around him every few seconds. "I was senior resident at the time, and I looked up to them. They were everything I wanted to be, everything I was [i]going[/i] to be. One of them, Dr. Davidson, was my friend and mentor. One day, he pulled me aside and told me there was something I needed to know. He seemed...scared, like something was really getting to him. But before he could tell me anything, he got a call to surgery. The day after that, he was dead. Turned out him and Jack Cassidy had bad blood between them." Gabe raised his brows, as if expecting the meaning to become explicitly clear. "Davidson wasn't the first, and he won't be the last. So you can refuse all you want, but I'm telling you now that you don't screw with guys like Cassidy. Not [i]just[/i] because it could cost you your job, if that's what you're thinking." He paused. "Davidson didn't get an autopsy, and neither did the other "suicides" which happened after his. You think this is just some righteous occupation, saving lives, all that "do no harm" shit. But it's not. And you should take me at my word. It's a risk just telling you this, but I'm doing it because you seem like a good guy." It was the first real compliment Gabe had given James, though perhaps not in the best way.