Yes, Corinne's tasks involve leading the lovely little lady to the closest Tavern, which happens to be not very far from the Smithy, where her uncle will make some crack about her having the hots for Ben which she will deny wholeheartedly, and making off with the horse, and she'll find herself there, and in her [s]beloved[/s]'s arms. And during the journey there, she learns more about our little half-elf, fun! I'll make a good, solid note of how her features are more prominent than the girl's, though, since she's a full-blooded elf. More sticky-outy ears, and higher cheekbones and those catlike eyes. And if ever she wears nice, formal gowns, the little birthmark she despises so on her collar-bone. ...what's the story behind [i]that[/i] anyway, I wonder.