Ashland woke up the next morning alone. She sat up and looked around the room for Skip, the man who'd spent some time with her last night. He wasn't anywhere to be found, but, on the chest at the foot of the bed was a manilla envelope. In curly black cursive, the envelope read "For your troubles. Skip." Ashland practically pounced on the envelope. She tore it open removed a chunk of cash. She spread out on the bed. Two thousand dollars in hundred dollar bills! She almost fainted. After getting up, getting dressed and pinching herself a few times, Ashland was convinced that it was real. The money, still strewn across the bed, was a reality. A knock sounded at the door. It was angry. Ashland opened the door to see her landlord. Alomst giddily, she handed him the money she owed him before he could even ask. She closed the door on him and laughed. She felt great. But at the same time, she felt guilty. Had she just prostituted herself? Or had Skip really just shown her kindness? How did he know she needed money anyways?