[quote=Wayward] Julian Concord 18 Male Since his first conviction several years ago, Julian has said very little to anyone; as much as he has said has been brief, detached and uninterested. Most have judged him based on his actions and the way he has carried himself, which does little to comfort any who are already nervous in his presence. Between his stone cold silence, abrasive expressions and aggressive posture, he seems to be dedicating his life to the goal of keeping other people at more than an arms length away. - Proficiency TBD Betrayal... That's what started Julian's descent into the criminal life. A grievous wrong-doing, left upon his shoulders by a supposed friend left him in juvenile corrections. His escape only made things worse, and before long he was resisting arrest across the country, with revenge on his mind. When authorities last caught him, he has just turned 18, and was given two options: become a science project or be tried as an adult and land in prison. He chose the former and has only been looking forward since. [/quote] He and Roxy have something in common. My only question is how would Vlad control in stun guns aren't going to work on him.