[b]At this moment the rp is FULL. I will not be accepting any new characters until the need for a second group arises, or if someone drops out.[/b] [b][CENTER][U][URL=THE WALKING DEAD: Survival][/u][/center][/b] Note, I've had this idea laying around for a long while, and I'm just popping it in the IntChk to see if it'll get anywhere. There are a few TWD rps going on already, one of which I'm involved in, so I won't be surprised or too upset if this doesn't get enough attention. Still, I thought it was worth more in the Interest Check, rather than just laying around in my drafts all day. [b][u][center]This is a High Casual rp[/center][/u][/b] [B][I][CENTER][url=BREAKING NEWS][/CENTER][/I][/B] It sounds from radios and flashes on television screens everywhere across the continent of North America. The news hasn't reached Mexico yet, much less the rest of South America. Countries oceans away live in darkness, unaware of what's heading for them, or maybe what's already there. It's devastating, horrifying. It's impossible. The letters, the words, they pop out at the American audience screaming silently the downfall of the world's superpower. [CENTER][B][I][url=BREAKING NEWS: New] [u][url=Super-Disease][/u] [url=Sweeps across America Claiming the Lives of Thousands][/I][/B][/CENTER] A blonde woman with the teeth of a goddess appears on the screen. A reporter, in a stiff, starchy, grossly beige suit. Those dark brown eyes echo the fear of the world. She's speaking, but between your utter shock and her average looks its hard to concentrate. "It seems, Richard," she's talking to a newsroom reporter, addressing him by his name, "that a new super-disease or super-virus has struck, not just the American public, but Canada as well. The APHA (OC: American Public Health Association) has theorized it to be some new super form of a strain of bornavirus. The details of obtaining the virus thus far remain unclear, however it has been noted to cause intense fever and dementia among victims. And also..." Those big brown eye blink with the pain of a martyr. Then she breaks character and lets the beans spill, "I'm not supposed to say this...the government says I'm not supposed to...but the American public deserves to know. This virus...this disease...It's bringing people back to [i]life[/i] Richard. Corpses...and they are [i]killing[/i] people. My best friends dead grandmother woke up from her funeral box this morning and tried to [i]eat[/i] her-" Her lips are still moving, but it's hard to concentrate past the 10,000 pound elephant that she just dropped in every house across America. Your world as you know it is about to come to an abrupt end and it's going to take everything you have in you to survive it. --- [b]Right now, I am looking for a max of eight roleplayers. I will only accept more after our first group is established, if I want a second group introduced.[/b] [b]PLOT:[/B] This is a [i]Walking Dead[/i] [b]survival[/b] rp, meaning it will focus on our characters surviving throughout the post-apocalyptic world of the outbreak. Keep in mind, survival does not mean your character has to stay alive. At your own discretion, you can very well kill your character and add a new one. However, I am not making it mandatory that your character [i]must[/i] die. The rp will primarily focus on the character surviving in the subsequent months after the outbreak, and eventually, finding a cure. However, I intended for this rp to go on a while, so it will have many plots, and be open to plots from any participants :) The rp will begin in Atlanta, very much like the series itself, and will start about three days after the outbreak begins. It is about mid-October, so it is cold. There will be daily (or sometimes daily) updates from our lovely blond reporter, and our characters will group together to survive. Along the way, they will encounter similar more antagonistic characters and groups. This rp asks for mature non-stereotypical rpers. I don't want this rp to be filled with pseudo-Carl's and pseudo-Daryl's. I don't want everyone to be from the military or a cop (though one or two from those groupings are certainly welcome), or from some other badass background. I want diversity. Not every survivor has to be a badass, and realistically, how realistic is that??? People get [i]lucky[/i]. We see it all the time in real life. We see it all the time in the series itself. From the top of my head: [list] [*]Carol = housewife[/*] [*]Maggie = lived on a farm all her life[/*] [*]Glenn = pizza delivery boy[/*] [*]Andrea = Lawyer (t.v. series), Clerk[/*] [/list] What I really want is variety. Think up unique but everyday characters. I want people to start out, not thinking "what characters will I be able to seduce with mine" or "how badass should my character be", but with diversity and realism. Like, "oh shit, my character's only a pizza delivery boy, how is that going to make it harder and more interesting in terms of survival?" That's all I'm asking you to keep in mind if you apply to this rp. [HIDER=Rules][b]Rules:[/b] [list] [*]No Godmodding or powerplaying. Either of those will get you a warning, and if you do not correct your behavior in the future, I will ban you and remove your character from the rp.[/*] [*]Just a note: Zombies don't exist in the Walking Dead universe. That means, the WORD zombie does not exist.[/*] [*] Don't fight with each other. Please. Be civil. Pick a bone with each other nicely.[/*] [*]Sexy times, if they must, can happen in private messaging, but not within the IC thread itself.[/*] [*]This is a High Casual rp. However, I am not just looking for quantity. I'm looking for quality. Which means writing five huge paragraphs won't get you anywhere if the grammar and flow is...well...less than good.[/*] [*]As many characters as you can handle.[/*] [*]This rp will require dedication, which means, if you know your overwhelmed, then honestly for the enjoyment of the rp and your own health, don't join. I know what it's like to be overwhelmed. Not a good feeling. But I also know what it's like to be left hanging by another rp'er who randomly drops out unannounced. Also not a good feeling. :([/*] [*]Now this is more for my health: Yes I am the GM, but please do not stick to me like glue. I absolutely despise suck-ups. RP with me like a real rper; don't let your characters grovel at the feet of mine. Have them build a legit relationship, if that's what you want. Or if you want conflict then by all means, so long as it doesn't interfere with the fun of the experience go ahead. Likes honestly sucking up to me in game is a no.[/*] [/list][/hider] [HIDER=CS][b][u][center]CS[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B]APPEARANCE:[/B] Can be written, or use a picture or both. No anime pictures. Period. Can include clothing, tattoos, etc. Anything appearance wise fits here. [B]NAME:[/B] [B]AGE:[/B] [b]PERSONALITY:[/B] [B]OCCUPATION:[/B] [B]ETHNICITY:[/B] [b]EQUIPMENT:[/B] Be realistic. You're not going to have everything needed to survive right from the start. [B]WEAPONS:[/B] Two weapons max. I don't want of those high powered guns if you're some sort of librarian. Come on, how would you get your hands on that stuff? [B]FAMILY:[/B] You don't have to write the characters entire family tree. Nor do you have to include names for every character. Put what family members are relevant, and include their status; living, missing, dead, unknown. You can include other information about family members if you wish. [B]PAST:[/B] Can be long or short. Write what you feel is most important in this history, what helps define the character. [b]OTHER INTERESTING INFORMATION:[/B] Whatever can't fit anywhere else. This doesn't include tattoos or whatever. That should go in Appearance. [B]WRITING SAMPLE:[/b] This is an important part of the application. I'm not asking you to seduce my brain with 300 paragraphs. I'm asking you seduce to my brain with descriptive, interesting, and flowing words. I consider quality as much quantity. IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE CHARACTER ONLY [B]ONE[/B] WRITING SAMPLE IS NEEDED. [/HIDER] [b][center][u][url=Characters][/u][/center][/b] --- [b][url=Alive:][/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2061218]Kate Goodall[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2061218]Selina Gupta[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2061218]Jack "Jackie" Robins[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2061218]Louise "Scout" Robins[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2061218]Jeremy "Jem" Robins[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2061243]Malik Thornton[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2061243]Kali Thornton[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2061280]Shane Cook[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2061521]Heather Joyce[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2063687]Percival Chevalier[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=2#post-2067031]Aldous Gallahger[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=2#post-2068064]Katherine Rivers[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/66323/posts/ooc?page=3#post-2070529]Jesse Wells[/url]