Ro smiled over his shoulder at the vixen as he lead her into the interior of the landcruiser. Like all such vessels, be they land-based or ocean-going, space was at a harsh premium, and piping, ducts, cabling and all manner of junction boxes, fuses and other such systemry clustered along the walls and ceilings. Every so often there was the necessity to step over hatch-lips and rims as well, passing through heavy pressure-doors between hull frames. Hearing her question, the Wolverines' small ears twitched before he replied. "Give or take, I've been in the service for about, oh, twelve years, nearly." He looked surprised at himself for a moment, shaking his head as he paused by a ladder. "Wow, that's much longer than even I thought. But, naturally, it wasn't always with Special Operations. Most of it was in the regular forces instead. Anyhow, regarding the tour: This is the lowest level of the ship. Down here is primarily where all of the sundries are stored - everything useful, but non-explosive or non-critical. Food supplies, laundry, equipment lockers, water tanks, yadda yadda. You probably won't have to come down here much - other than to get on or off the ship on foot, anyway. Taking her up the steeply-angled steps - almost a ladder, really - he explained the next level was mostly the cramped crew facilities. The mess and galley, which also served as the communal rec-room for the twenty-person crew; the infirmary - such as it was, and more of a medical 'room' - a few equipment lockers and storage spaces - including weapons lockers - and the washroom facilities. Which, he added, were actually much better than most of the military ones he'd encountered. And had very, very good locks on the doors. At the forward area of this level were also the GEAR and salvage bay, workshop area and other 'functional' areas of the ship, as well as the 'deck' area, where large objects or vehicles could be loaded and unloaded, and also where the crane was mounted. He also advised that discreet disguised 'clutter' on the deck folded away to reveal two large-calibre chainguns that formed the ships' only real defensive armament. Finally, above and at the top of the ship, were the bridge, observation lounge, briefing room and a few other related areas, as well as the bridge 'wings' for observation purposes. Lockers on this level also held machine-guns to be mounted when needed on the rails around the bridge wings. The tour concluded, the pair stood on one of the bridge wings, overlooking the fog-shrouded city. "So, how about you?" he said in reply with a slight smile. "Appearances can be deceptive, of course, but I'd say I've got a few years on you. And, if it's not too much of a prying question, why Special Operations? This isn't exactly the fast-track to promotions, or a good career for anyone. Though, it's not without it's own rewards, of course". He leaned against the railing, glancing over one shoulder at the quiet city, the gleam of the ocean subdued by the fog, and the noises of life hushed by the cotton-wool covering, before looking back to the vixen with an appraising expression and a half-smile on his muzzle.