[img]http://i1071.photobucket.com/albums/u505/SaneJahones1995/ebc30457-9900-40cc-8018-e8512473ea2c_zpsba9fdbf2.jpg?t=1414331033[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Shane Cook [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Personality:[/b] Shane is a tough cookie to nail down both mentally and emotionally. His job requires that he be empathetic, understanding, patient and caring and he is often all of those things, being a naturally warm hearted person. On the other hand though he couldn't do his job effectively if he couldn't put a certain amount of distance between himself and all the hurt he deals with on an almost daily basis. He would get crushed under the weight of it all, or at the very least he'd have to take quite a bit of time off in order to deal with his own emotional well being. Fortunately for his clients though he isn't built like that. He can handle things very well mentally. He doesn't exactly shut himself off emotionally but he is able to take everything in stride and deal with it. A fantastic trait he picked up during childhood. On the other hand though he isn't a complete pushover. His determination and stubbornness when it comes to the things and people he cares about is something to behold and when he really wants something he's going to do his damn best to get it one way or another. All in all Shane is a good man. Calm and kind with just enough drive to do what he needs to do in order to get the things he wants. [b]Occupation:[/b] School Counsellor [b]Ethnicity:[/b] American [b]Equipment:[/b] -Leatherman Swiss Army Knife -Journal -Supplement Pills -6 MRE's -4 Canned Foods -Pack of 10 Batteries -3 Litre Bottles of Water -Duct Tape -Crowbar [b]Weapons:[/b] Shane owns a Glock 19 he purchased years ago for home defence. He's used it at the range twice in the three years he's owned it. He's no marksman, that's for sure. [b]Family:[/b] -[url=http://www.kurdistan24.com/Tierrassen_Bilder/kangal.jpg]Boone[/url] - Alive - Pet -[url=http://www.kidport.com/reflib/science/humanbody/skeletalsystem/images/SkeletonAnterior.jpg]Anna Cook[/url] – Deceased – Mother -[url=http://ucrtoday.ucr.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Jane-Ward.jpg]Jane Hughes[/url] – Unknown – Girlfriend -[url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/Michael_Trevino_on_June_15,_2013.jpg]Michael Cook[/url] – Unknown - Brother [b]Past:[/b] The most important detail of Shane's past is that he has almost always been depended on. His father ran out on his mother and their two children when Shane was eleven years old and it was up to him to pick up the pieces. This meant from a very young age the boy often had to look after his little brother Michael whilst his mom went out and made a little money. Even whilst she was there Shane was still looked to for support on most days. She worked long, hard days so when she did get home she was often physically exhausted and simply couldn't handle the emotional burden two young kids put on her at times. Shane did what he could. He was a blessing actually. A sweet kid who liked to help people. It wasn't until he was a teenager that he realized how this kind of lifestyle affected him though. It was difficult as all hell to balance school and home work and for the first time he thought he understood why his mom was always so tired when she was home. Still, Shane did what he could, doing his best to do what was best for Michael and his mother. As soon as Michael hit sixteen though Shane pretty much decided his job was done for now. He had taken care of people his entire life and his life had suffered for it. All you needed to do was look at his finishing school grades to know that. So, he took some time off. He got a part time job to line his pockets a little and began being the reckless kid he never got to be. He partied, he got drunk, he got high, he got into a drunken fight or two and within three months he got bored. This crap simply wasn't fun any more. So, once again it was time to be responsible. He buckled down at work getting a full time job and started giving his mom a little bit of money every time he got paid. Until he found his own place to live at least. It didn't take him too long. After that though he once again found himself unsatisfied. With such a crappy ending to his school career the next step seemed clear. He needed further education. Unfortunately you apparently have to have a certain grade of education to get a certain grade of further education. That and a fuck ton of money, because America, duh. The only thing Shane was interested in that he really had the grades to get into was a philosophy class, so get into it he did along with maths and English. It wasn't too bad in the end, he got more for himself down on paper and hoped it would have some sort of good effect. Eventually it did and he began working as a school counsellor. That pretty much lead to where he is now. [b]Other Interesting Information:[/b] Everything under equipment was bought just in case. It's all in a backpack Shane put together for if the worst were to happen and he had to live a certain way for a week or two. Of course, that's not going to happen, right? Also might be worth noting that the backpack is stored in his garage at home, so nothing mentioned is on his person currently. [hider=Writing Sample:]Shane lifted his head wearily, his eyes finally leaving the glass in front of him. Jameson Whiskey. He had been nursing it for nearly an hour. His head felt cumbersome when he lifted it, as if it had gained a good bit of weight since he had lowered it a minute or so earlier. His eyes went yet again back to the woman in front of him. She was a mean looking lass. Middle aged, quite short, but stocky looking. Shane smiled humorously as he imagined her kicking his ass... She probably could. Her bloody mouth was still fucking moving though. She was still yapping on... Jesus. “Hey darling, let me ask you something...” Shane interrupted her, quickly taking a sip of the Jameson. “Are you a barmaid?” “I'm stood behind the bar, ain't I?” “Yeah, yeah, that you are... Doesn't that mean you're supposed to listen to my problems? No offence, but if you're still talking in another minute I'm going to have to book you a fucking appointment.” Shane chuckled, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a small notebook. “Uh, lemme see here... I can do 10:30... 10:30 good for you? I'd do 9:30 but I got someone then. Little fucker probably wont even turn up but I gotta keep it nevertheless, know what I mean? Can't let the kids down... No one ever thinks about the children!” Shane laughed heartily, gulping the last of his Whiskey and getting up off the bar stool he had planted himself on, having basically just reminded himself that he actually had things to do in the morning. He stumbled a little, but soon regained his footing and got to checking his pockets. “Well, I think I got everything. You have a good night darling... Good luck with that thing, and that, uh, other thing... Actually, wait... Want to hear a joke? … What's the most useless thing on a woman?” Shane asked, chuckling a little as he gently swayed from side to side. “You?” The woman smiled. “Close!” Shane laughed once again, picking up his glass and trying to drink what was no longer there. “Shit...” He said, frowning and putting the glass back down. “A drunken Irishman!” He yelled, laughing. “My fucking girlfriends going to tell me that one again tonight... Anyway, farewell... Come on Boone.” Shane smiled, walking happily drunk out into the rain, his large and loyal companion in tow.[/hider]