NAME: Heather Joyce APPEARANCE: [hider= Appearance][img=][/hider] Heather has slightly tanned skin, hazel eyes and long, thick black hair. Her hair is often completely straight. It is rather healthy, due to her overly-organic diet. She is around 5'6, and is rather fit appearance-wise. She doesn't have stamina or strength, but she will often be the last one to get sick due to her healthy eating habits. When looking at her face, one would notice that her eyelashes are long and her eyebrows are well-shaped. She takes very good care of her features, however, she has scars on her cheeks from severe acne that she had when she was a child. Now, she has very dry skin and often-chapped lips. AGE: 25 PERSONALITY: Heather is a very curious person. This childhood trait stayed with her even after she grew up. Heather is often unconfident and quiet, and may have trouble taking orders. When receiving orders, she may take it in a hostile way and become defensive. When encountering a new situation, Heather will often step back and reflect silently on a logical option. She is not one to discuss issues and would rather think about it instead. At first sight, Heather might appear fussy and rigid. On the inside, however, Heather feels guilty easily and is very loyal and honourable. OCCUPATION: Herbalist ETHNICITY: French (born in France, but moved at the age of 15.) EQUIPMENT: Heather often carries a large, brown shoulder bag filled with herbs and medicines. She also has a special bowl in which she can make ingredients to help calm down stomach pains and other pains inside the body. She doesn't usually deal with external wounds, such as cuts, but can make pains feel a bit better while also boosting your immune system and increasing your energy. In her bag, she also has scissors, a small knife, tape, a herb species book, and a magnifying glass, all for herbal medicine uses. WEAPONS: Heather played softball as a younger girl, so she has a metal softball bat. That is her only means of offence, as she prefers to sneak rather than fight. She has a small knife in her bag to cut herbs, but can also be used in desperate measures. FAMILY: Her parents live in France, since they moved back after she turned 20, when they realized she could live in America on her own without their help. She often wonders about them, and the rest of her family who lives in France. Everyone in her family except for her and her sister live in France. Heather and her sister live in different states, but Heather believes her sister is dead due to her sister's timid nature. (during the zombie apocalypse) PAST: Living in France, her family was very big on gardening. When she was young, she was forced to take care of her grandparents while her parents were in university studying medicine. Heather began to study herbal medicine, since she lived in the countryside with no hospital within a two hour range. Her grandmother was her best friend, and when Heather was 8 years old, passed away in the house. Heather greatly regrets not being able to do anything and blames herself for it, even though her passing could not have been prevented. OTHER INTERESTING INFORMATION: She was born when her parents were 30. Her parents, who moved to many countries, only settled down and decided their job until after she was born. WRITING SAMPLE: [hider=Writing Example]It was a dark, dreary Thursday. Oh, how Heather hated these kinds of days. Sighing deeply, she stood up, out of the chair next to the window. She had been watching the rain steadily fall for about five minutes now. Despite the depressing mood of the weather outside, Heather felt calm. She could stare at the rain for many minutes at a time, reflecting. She always had the kind of mind that could lose itself in its own little world. As it drifted from thought-to-thought, she seemed to get deeper and deeper in her thinking. It was only until she was tapped that she would snap out of it. As she slowly and sluggishly made her way across her large living room, she heard the phone ring. It pierced through the silence, and she stared at it surprised for a few seconds. She ran a hand through her thick, straight black hair, and decided to run to the phone. Heather picked it up before the called ID showed up, something she often did. "Hello?" she said quietly, leaning against the wall. All of a sudden, she heard the familiar voice of her sister on the other side of the phone. Heather's content face slowly morphed into one a look of shock and worry. On the other end of the phone, her sister was sobbing inconsolably. Heather turned down the volume of the phone a bit, and continued to listen to her sister wail for a few minutes. Heather couldn't understand half of what she was saying, but when her sister revealed why she was crying, Heather rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to sigh. "So," Heather finally said, after waiting a long time to speak. "Your pet parrot died today?" she repeated, and looked down at the ground. As her sister continued to talk, and eventually hung up, Heather couldn't help but worry about the sister she loved so much. Heather put down the phone and walked into the library, she picked up the book she was reading the other day. [i]The Nuclear Apocalypse,[/i] it was titled, a story about the world after a huge explosion in America, causing the world to be barren and making the survivors attempt to survive the harsh climate. "She wouldn't make it a week..." Heather thought out loud sadly, knowing that her sister truly wouldn't. It would be too much for her weak emotions to handle. In some ways, Heather was like her sister: she was sometimes emotional and cried due to the smallest tragedy. However, she always thought herself to be more composed than her sister. Heather knew when to cry and when not to cry, since she's experienced tragedies of her own. Walking to the window with her book, she turned on a small radio next on the side table and listened to the latest news. [/hider]