Elim's attacks seemed to work, the fiery glaive doing as it was intended and slicing through the giant's legs quite easily. But Elim failed to take into account the fact the creature was made out of inanimate materials and therefore felt absolutely no pain or annoyance at the attacks. Sure, chunks of its legs were hacked to pieces but more simply reformed in its place, effectively regrowing the giant's lost "flesh", as it were. It roared, raising its big, clawed hand to swipe at Elim when it suddenly stopped. An invisible began holding it in place, and further still pushing it downwards. This was the result of Simo's spell, but there was an unexpected side effect. The giant, still standing on the ice bridge, became increasingly desperate as the magically enhanced weight caused cracks to start appearing on the lower half of the ice bridge. After only another moment there was the sound of a thousand windows being shattered as the ice platform gave out and crumbled beneath the giant. But it was still too early to celebrate. The spell wore off in time for a small, red piece of ice to rocket upward and onto the summit of the mountain. It just floated there but only for a moment, as piles of snow and hunks of ice began rapidly gathering around it to form the shape of the giant. It stamped the ground, roaring once more to signify that it still had a ways to go before it would be defeated. In fact, as it roared it dug its claws into the snow and catapulted piles of the stuff forward in an attempt to bury Simo and Elim alive. Meanwhile, in the ice palace, Jared's Keyblade seemed to make quick work of the Shadow Heartless, but the Soldier variety proved more tenacious, taking multiple strikes from the blade to be defeated. Things weren't helped by the Shadows seemingly forming from the ground with no sign of an end. Jared had proven a capable fighter thus far, but he knew he wouldn't be able to keep this up forever, not while outnumbered and while trying to protect an unarmed Queen. Though Elsa wouldn't be counted out just yet, as she able to throw her icy magic at the Heartless, freezing many of them solid and leaving them helpless to Jared's blade. "We can't keep this up!" exclaimed Jared as he finished off a wave. No more appeared and he was momentarily relieved, but that relief was immediately washed away when a new type of Heartless appeared, [url=http://www.khwiki.com/images/thumb/d/d2/Air_Soldier_KH.png/250px-Air_Soldier_KH.png]winged devils[/url] with a [url=http://images.khinsider.com/Kingdom%20Hearts/Kingdom%20Hearts%201%20Renders/Heartless/Original/heartless22%20-%20air%20pirate.png]stronger-looking one[/url] apparently commanding them. That one was leading the attack, for sure, as it mostly stayed in place pointing here and there while the others swooped and attacked as directed.