Jonathan laid back for a while catching his breath and allowing his focus to return. He could hear a few people breathing near him. Unconscious foes laid out, as he looked them over they looked like good people. His mind ran over the situation and everything that was said. Perhaps these pool fools were being manipulated into doing this. He got up and pulled out magical cuffs and cuffed all three of the people he knocked out together. Feet and hand cuffs were harder to get out of but not impossible. These were magical nullifier handcuffs made out or a special blend of Orichalcum. The interior part of the cuff had an Orichalcum inlay and the outer portion of the cuff was Mithril. In between both of the metals was some kind of meteor metal. These things cost a butt load but they made mages and non-mages easier to handle. He attached a chain to the three and began to walk, he made his way over to Ascot and pat the young man on the shoulder. “Good job.” Jonathan praised, something rare for him and then smiled; something even more rare. He looked Ascot in the eyes and nodded. “He said he won but look we are all alive!” He yelled so everyone could hear. “In my book this is a win.” He continued as he handed the chain to Ascot. “Amethyst.” He spoke into a watch. “Sir?” A voice could be overheard. “Scan the battlefield for survivors we need to save as many people as we can. I don’t care if they are close to death or not we save them!” He yelled and his hand shot up to his head. His brain was pounding within his skull. He felt as if the plates in his skull would separate and his brain would come pouring out of his flesh. “That bastard shot me to get your attention.” Jonathan assumed. “He wanted to get you out here for some reason. Perhaps they have an advanced scanner and have someone keeping notes of our abilities.” He theorized and shivered. “They knew enough about me to stop me from doing anything really helpful. This Orichalcum had to come from somewhere. I will ask around and see if anyone knows anything. Again don’t let this get you down or I’ll have to kick your ass.” He joked as he moved around looking for people. Anyone else that could still be alive and need help. The attack had crippled most of the area. He could see small fires here and there. He was sad to see this but didn’t show it on his face. He was cold and collected once again becoming the asshole that everyone knew him as. He helped a few people that were trapped under rubble escape. Lifting big rocks and using leverage to his advantage. “Strength means nothing if it rebounds back. Speed is great as long as one gets all the small details.” He thought, his masters words ringing in his head. He knew it was strange to be thinking of these words but it helped him move forwards. Like a machine he worked, his magic was gone and his muscles were getting tired. Something he hadn’t felt in a very long time. It made him feel alive in a way. The pain that he was in and couldn’t just heal. His wounds were healed enough so that doing these things wouldn’t bring him down. Sweat beaded over his skin. He looked up and realized that the sun was huge. Well, maybe it was always that size but damn it is a hot day.