Kensington scanned over the results with the aid of his chain gun's camera, the distance sparing him from seeing such a gruesome mangled mess he had left behind. There wasn't really much room to even think about that, and the pilot turned his helicopter to go back to the main fight, but he almost lost every sense of concentration when he was hit by the quiet message, the message of a casualty. Hearing those five words were the worst words any man could hear, and his hopes of avoiding such a situation were now gone. Again his heart was racing and his hands had a shaken grip until he took a long, drawn out breath and got onto the communications, his voice projecting that low, professional grim tone to it. "Med-evac is available I need coordinates and condition. If the designated combat life saver is nowhere near I will need a lot of cover to retrieve the target patient if possible. Sir we gotta get him out regardless of condition." He reported, his left hand gripping tightly onto the handle it held to avoid the shakes. This was indeed a worst case scenario for any squad, but he could only imagine what mental condition their leader was in. If there wasn't a immediate response the airman gave it a few seconds, and if there was still silence he repeated Blade's rank and added in what he had needed in order to converge on their location.