[quote=metagros] "some how i doubt that someone would lock and guard a empty cell. besides most of the tings that we will need are built in, and thous that don't, like in a very rare instance, are loaded into clips. i would show you how we deal with our economy, BUT i am out of reach of the servers.....as i have shown our superiors." this guy was asking a lot of questions, a lot of witch would fit a thief. but this guy looks a bit to good to be one. [/quote] "O really, well look at this glass marble, say it was vital to the mission and cannot be destroyed or all hope is lost. You can't simply hold it in your hand cause your going to need to fight. If you do you might crush it in your hands, or drop it and shatter it. Either way you would need a place to hold the marble, like a pocket." Grimm said pulling up a clear glass marble out of his pocket, trying to explain the importance of pockets.