Jon came to, shifting about uncomfortably-he felt as if he had just had the worst nightmare ever about a plane crash, and he must've fallen out of bed and onto the floor, because the ground beneath him was hard and his neck ached. He opened his eyes- it hadn't been a nightmare. He was laying in the isle of a plane, and he could see straight out the back. He sat up and grimaced- his back and neck hurt, and he became aware of debris stuck in his leg, but he hauled himself up. "Anyone else still out there?" He called shakly and nervously. It hurt him to stand, and he was only vaguely aware of who he was, his head was throbbing. Suddenly, everything snapped into reality- he had been in a plane crash, he was going back home because his mum could possibly die, but here he was, and he wasn't even exactly sure where he was at. Where were the emergency crews at? Shouldn't someone be rescuing them? He bit his lip- he wasn't prepared to use his medical knowledge, even though he knew he could, it just seemed daunting, due to a lack of supplies and help. He still wasn't sure how he ended up in the isle, but started to look for survivors desperately.