[b]Izumi Yuna[/b] Yuna frowned slightly upon hearing that she had to stay at school. She decided not to wonder too much about it; after all, she was relatively involved with the school's happenings. There were a number of sound reasons that she'd be asked to stay. She packed her things away neatly into her bag, before making her way to the room she had been told about. Standing at its door, she hesitated for a moment, feeling uneasy about the situation. After a quick look around the hallway she was in, she lightly knocked on the door and opened it. Stepping inside, she noticed there was another girl in the room, who was looking very irritable. Yuna vaguely recognized her as an underclassman. After quietly closing the door behind her, she smiled at the younger girl. "Hello there," she said softly, moving deeper into the room, but choosing to remain standing instead of taking a seat. "Were you asked to stay after classes, too?" --- [b]Saito Masaki[/b] Masaki sat in a wheeled chair, and fiddled around with the mecha he had been assigned, making sure everything was in order and working. [i]Technically[/i] not what he was supposed to be doing, but he had a hard time caring. Everyone around him was so busy with whatever that there wasn't much chance they'd pay any mind to a guy who [i]looked[/i] like he was doing something useful. Exactly how Masaki liked it. Pushing against the mecha's leg, he rolled away from it, stopping near a counter. On the counter was an impressive computer, which had an uncountable amount of wires running from it to the vaguely-humanoid machine. He briefly studied the information being displayed. He let out a small sigh, seeing that the numbers hadn't changed at all since he had last checked - he really was wasting his time at this point. His eyes glanced around the hangar, stopping on a screen that hung over the exit of the room. It was a sort of news bulletin, displaying any information that mattered to SEED. The one thing it had been showing all day was a reminder: the second Nephilim attack was due any day, according to Kawaguchi. It also said that today was the day that the candidates were to be brought in. 'Candidates.' Masaki clicked his tongue disapprovingly. They were people. Children, no less. And they'd be informed that they were to stop the most terrifying monster the Earth had ever seen. [i]Poor girls,[/i] he thought, rolling back over to his mecha. [i]That'll be an unpleasant surprise.[/i]