First up, the Prisoners. Jonathan, it seemed, used the other, slightly more uncomfortable variant of Suppression Cuffs, rather than the more expensive, harder to craft models made with [i]All Nine[/i] Schools of Magic. The boy decided to take it as a sign of the man's thrift, another one of his hidden (sometimes too well hidden) virtues. In the meantime, the remaining MPC vanguard members, breathing sighs of relief that the fighting was now over, were healing the captives, preparing to send them to the Baler Police.* Ascot smiled at Jonathan's words; yeah, he shouldn't feel so down. True, the enemy now knew who he was, as well as how he can be manipulated, as well as held weapons that, in the right circumstances, can kill him, if that was what they wanted. But, the boy had also accomplished [i]his[/i] main obejctive, to help clear the market so that it can be repaired. He watched as Danny tended to the wounded man; the new recruit was a kind person, a boy scout indeed. Perhaps there was hope for the MPC after Africa, he supposed. He sighed; the MPC was intended to be his and [I]Amelia's[/i] happy endings, a soft posting where they can do good and help people, and it was that, for a while. Then came the ArcU War. The boy had PTSD from three sources - the first was the lead-up to the Rider War, where...bad things happened to him, the second was the Rider War itself, and finally, the ArcU War in Africa, where the Magical MegaCorp sought to use the Congo's Demesnes and Shadowlands to try and take over the world, forcing a coalition of several countries to unite and take them down, leading to a brutal war in which ArcU had slaugthered many Regular Peace Corps members for Human Sacrifice. Gyah, Ascot still remembered those times, still hurt inside from - no, he was not going to stew in angst, rather, he was going to deal with his PTSD the best way that he can, through throwing himself in work and helping others. So, with his adeptness in Energy, the boy projected a hardlight hologram detailing the Baler Public Market's architecture, which was different from its 21st Century incarnation in several respects, the first one being size - it was much larger than the market before. He then used a spell of Postcognition - not a misspelling! - to show what happened in the past. As Baler's remaining police came to scoop up the terrorists, some of them came to watch what Ascot was doing, which was showing where the explosions first began, as well as what caused said explosions in the first place. Basically, someone had used incendiaries - ones made from ordinary, non-magical materials, in order to blow up the east and west portions of the Market... Then Ascot noticed Myriad and Nao still looking for Alexandria; who had begun to wake up, and was now looking around the battle site, surprised at being alive. When the young woman saw the two at the far side of the market, she began running towards them, yelling: "Myriad, Nao! I'm all right! Although I'm going to have nightmares for a while, I think," she said a little jokingly, trying to shrug off her experience. Ascot, while multi-tasking, approached the young woman, while at the same time keeping up his spell. He then spoke: "Make sure to report to the therapist afterwards; being bitten by a zombie, even though you survived, is always a harrowing experience. Sorry to sound overprotective, but, well, PTSD is PTSD." Before anyone can ask just how a kid like him knew about PTSD aside from books, Ascot was now away. "Okay, guys," he spoke loudly, mildly amplifying his voice with Energy, "Fight's over; we're going to hand the terrorists over to the Baler Police so that we can finally do what we Magical Peace Corps members are supposed to do - build things!" he spoke with enthusiasm. "We're going to split into two teams - one clears away the rubble and corpses, the other helps put up a new building." And with that, Ascot stomped on the ground, and an entire concrete column reconstituted itself. At the same time, more MPC members were arriving at the scene, with minature construction and fabrication machines in tow. Now was the time to turn metaphorical swords into metaphorical plowshares, at least temporarily. Now was the time to rebuild. *This is an edit.