Meirin didn't remember much of what happened after she and Ssarak got out of the river. There was yelling, which she imagined would happen, though she herself was much too in pain to remember clearly. Alaira, despite how hasty she had been acting, was knocked out cold. For some reason this made Meirin angry. For someone who did so little aside from endanger everyone's lives, how was it that Alaira was out cold while Meirin herself still had enough energy to walk? If Alaira was awake (As far as Meirin knew) she would have given her a piece of her mind. But instead, Meirin simply kept silent and followed the wagon to the nearest village. It was a good thing it was uneventful after that, as Meirin was uncertain if she had the strength to put up any sort of a fight. Eventually they reach the village of Wayward. Meirin remembered taking a few travelers here, and she remembered coming across the village when she left to the college. By this point Meirin had a slightly clearer head, but she could now feel the full pain from her arms. She couldn't even leave them hanging limp without a burning sensation in her shoulders. She feared that she might have torn them out of socket, and if that was the case, she would be ill-suited to continue the mission even if she could ignore the pain. As the caravan settled into the inn Ssarak came to ask about Meirin's health, and she was blunt. "It's so painful. I think I might have dislocated something when I tried holding up the bridge. I don't even know why I thought that was a good idea..." Meirin tried to move her arms, but just getting them past her waist proved to be a painful endeavor. She winced and looked at Ssarak. "I... There's a healer in this town. He could do something, but... I don't know how serious my injuries are. I think... Maybe.... I might have to go back to the college. If the healer can't fix my arms, I won't be any use to protect the caravan. I'm sure I can get the treatment I need at the college, but it would take me a while to get back to the college even if I went on my own." Meirin didn't want to jeopardize the mission by continuing with her injuries, but she had no idea if they could afford to heal her here. She doesn't expect the healer to treat her for free, especially if her wounds are as bad as she thinks they are.