Akio re-entered the stadium building, pacing nervously towards his seat. Apparently, the duel had just started. Slumping in his seat, Akio considered the situation: Akira had a deck that relied on LIGHT and DARK monsters and equip spell cards, while Xi... Apparently, her deck was dragon-based, and used synchro monsters, but he didn't know much else. Jones would probably prove an annoyance, as, unlike with her oppnent, he had no idea what was her strategy or what her deck was capable of. He did know some of the other students' decks because he was present at their exams, but with her, it wasn't the case. He could only hope that Akira would win, but... honestly, her chances were definitely not stellar. Be as it may, even if he had to face Xi, he would at least be able to measure the Koa'ki Series's potential against a less hortodox deck. During his musings, though, he failed to notice that his future opponent was confabulating with her spirit partner...